Adrian Avelar

Pretty sure it’s past supposedly. And I’m sure he was including himself due to that fact, but not just himself, but as a brand overall. Which is correct, in my opinion.

I don’t know, man (or woman). Just seems like such an unnatural dislike for a person you only have anecdotal information about and don’t actually know.

Not to argue with you, but don’t die on the RT 47% hill. There are other places to look at scores, too. And other factors to consider.

Was he even talking about himself? Or just talking about the series and the creatives in general? You seem really angry at the guy.

Is he wrong about the answer he gave? Seems like a logical answer to me, which is what the MCU has been trying to do as well.

Can you actually prove that “a good 50% of fans hate it?” Just curious.

He was asked and declined so that he could take a break. As you can probably imagine, these films are huge, stressful endeavors.

After Luke’s, Finn’s arc in Last Jedi is my next favorite. In terms of Canto Bight, I could’ve done without the stampede and Del Toro’s acting choices.

Seems right. I had no problem whatsoever with them being split up in The Last Jedi, but now it’s good to put them back together.

Again, I’m not bothered. I love Star Wars, but it’s a movie. If you hate it, then by all means. I don’t. It’s all subjective. No side is wrong.

The creature outside of Jabba’s palace eating and burping. Tons of things with Han Solo, like a box falling on his head, stepping on a twig, etc.

I disagree, but your opinion is your opinion, so.

That’s where I’m at. I get it, he inadvertently gets the Resistance decimated along with Finn and Rose. In real life, all three could be jailed.

That’s fair. I could’ve read it wrong, or perceived in a certain way. I’m not flawless. My mistake.

Seems kind of arrogant, no? Not sure why you’d think you’d have any bearing on my opinions of a film. Or me to you. We can disagree politely.

Honestly, I think it’s a bit of both. That’s the nature of the internet, I’m afraid. I happen to love the film, plenty do. Plenty do not. I’m okay with that.

I get the point you’re trying to make, but please don’t state them like they’re facts. Your opinion is your opinion. No more, no less.

While I wholeheartedly disagree with you on many things in this thread, it’s really not worth arguing over.

I’m sure there’s an in between somewhere. Where it doesn’t outperform Last Jedi but it still does well. I don’t think anyone’s expecting Solo to make a billion.

Nah. My uncle saw the OT as a very aware pre-teen and he loves Last Jedi. Not that it speaks for everyone, but those “oldies” who like the new one do exist.