Adrian Avelar

I’ve been really enjoying all of the artwork I see in the Art of ... books for the new films. May have to go back to get the ones for the OT and prequels.

You do know the HISHE was subtly making fun of those people, too, right?

Funnily enough, the prequel novelizations are pretty good. I actually think the one for Revenge of the Sith is pretty great.

From my recollection, he did. He wrote it himself, but he worked with JJ, Michael Arndt, Kasdan, and the Story Group.

Beat him? He was toying with her until she pulled the lightsaber. It wasn’t even close until his still couldn’t compare to a saber.

That’s kind of a personal question ...

People seem to find him annoying, sometimes depending on if they liked the film or not, but he seems like a sweetheart of a guy.

Why would anyone listen to Star Wars fans? Have you met them?

I think we can all agree you should just speak for yourself.

I’m Russian?! Since when?!

To be fair, it’s not difficult to be better than 95% of the EU.

I always find such discussions, with more eloquent and cordial people like yourself, to be quite fun when discussing The Last Jedi.

I believe he meant 19 months between the films, not the timeline. If that’s not what you meant, I apologize.

You seem ... angry.

Huh. I saw more Return than Empire. I guess a little bit of both. In any event, I like the film, myself. But more power to ya.

Did it work? Absolutely. Does it look cool? Absolutely. Was it a completely happy accident? Absolutely.

I believe their numbers are slightly off. I think it’s 30+ years after VI and Luke was 22-23.

I can’t. Plenty of original films come out every single year.

Oh! True! I’ll add that to my list!