Adrian Avelar

Maybe it’s just me but I never saw these things as huge mysteries. I was curious, sure, but I never perceived them as these momentous things from the film. From fans, yes, but not the film itself.

Dilly, dilly!

If she goes double, I hope it looks like Satele Shan’s. I’ve loved the design of that thing since the Old Republic cinematic trailers.

I always liked Plo Koon’s ...

I’m waiting for the CinemaScore. Audience ratings on IMDb or Rotten Tomatoes are never good to go by.

Yup! That’s why I love Yoda’s line, “There’s nothing in that library that she doesn’t already possess.”

They didn’t connect until Luke revealed himself. He even scrapes his boot across the ground and no salt is exposed.

I would like to see the Fantastic Four integrated into the MCU. I would prefer the same for the X-Men but I can understand how logistics may make that difficult. So, whether the X-Men are integrated or not, I do want them to be properly rebooted with a proper continuity and plan.

I think if Thanos is done well, and I think he will be, Galactus could be a fun thing.

Now that’s the Sony I know!

Am I the only one that likes, but doesn’t love this movie?

I’m still annoyed by them tip-toeing around Harley and basically taking away Deadshot and the Suicide Squad from a couple seasons back.

Pretty sure none of the talent can guarantee anything while the fallout from Justice League continues. When that’s over, we’ll see.

Interesting. I find that Arrow is back at the top after Season 5, but that’s just my opinion, of course. Not great, just currently better than the other shows.

Bad writing, for sure. But some people are just way too invested, judging by some of the reactions I’ve seen. 

Never go on Tumblr for fandom discussions and reactions. It’s a dark, childish place.

Three times.

Am I the only one that’s on Paramount’s side? Like, he was contracted to look a certain way, he was already on their schedule and filming, etc.

I mean, when your best player happens to be the greatest player of all time, am I right?

Seems legit.