Adrian Avelar

But is he elite?

This is my favorite part ...

Personally, I think she’s just barely good enough for Wonder Woman, and I think a lot of that is thanks to Patty Jenkins.

Opinions vary, but I’m not sure I’d agree as much as, say, the MCU is concerned. There are great actors in the DCEU, but few of the characters have stood out to me. That’s either the actors not fitting or, more likely, the characters being badly written.

The last time the Patriots ate shit against the Chiefs, they won the Super Bowl, so I’m holding out.

Meanwhile, at Marvel Studios ...

Wasn’t there a comic series where all these period heroes like the Shadow and the Phantom teamed up? I can’t remember what it was called.

No, thanks. I’m good.

What about Joe Lewis?!

Did anyone else like, but not love the movie? I’d be down for a series. If you can have the Flash and Superman on the CW and “Batman” elsewhere then I don’t see why not.

Well, damn. When Golden State beats you, your soul gets fucked up, too, apparently.

Works for me. Also, maybe people will get Ms. Marvel sooner now that it’ll be an older Carol in the “present.”

Is her life prolonged any due to her powers?

Remember when he was on Jimmy Kimmel one night saying he was still directing, then wasn’t just a few days later?

I’m not sure how I feel about it. I don’t hate it, but I don’t love it, either. I think the CG looks very messy and very CG, as usual. Meh?

Seeing the DeLorean in motion again, tho.

I believe that’s Harley Quinn and Deathstroke at :34-ish, too.

If Gilbert refuses to trade him, I’m looking forward to the subtweets all season.

Fifteen? You dreamer.

The crazy thing is, I actually think Golden State is going to be better over the next two seasons.