Adrian Avelar

Ah yes, the Johnny Bananas backpack moment. One of my all-time favorites.

I’m only watching this season because CT is back and I want to watch him destroy all the rookies that think they’re hot shit.

You underestimate FOX and Shuler Donner, I think.

I’ve heard the same. What concerns me is that I saw that Chris Pine doesn’t take any screen time away from Gal so much as he’s just a more natural actor and comes off as more interesting than Gal.

I still remember the reaction I heard around me at a scene where Thor was washing.

Does it get shorter if Blue replaces a bunch of Red in two years?

And removed her glasses!

Never go full Padawan.

Totally jazzed. I’d never say the MCU is perfect or anything, but I always get kid-like giddy with their stuff more often than not.

I don’t know. He’s the one who found and tracked Solo. He got Vader the crew and Jabba Han. He got paid twice for basically the same job. I’d say that’s a job well done.

I know this article is for fun, but it’s pretty easy to answer. Just a paragraph about the state of the galaxy after the fall of the New Republic and Starkiller Base, maybe another for a mention of where Kylo Ren is, then the last setting up Rey and Luke.

They’re just trying to make a living and carve a place for themselves in the galaxy!

Phoebe Tonkin is so hot, tho.

I like Annette, Rene, and Diane Lane. With Lane, she fits more the age of Leia the character than Fisher the actress, though.

Emma Thompson? Diane Lane? Rene Russo? Hmm ...

That entire scene can’t be more than 10 to 12 seconds, so isn’t “embarrassing” a bit hyperbolic?

How serious are we talking, though? Obviously speaking for just myself, I would call it a misstep, but not a horrible one.

Sorry to hear that. It all worked for me, for the most part.

To you. To some others. Not to me. Not to everyone. It’s all subjective.