Adrian Avelar

The Las Vegas Moe Greenes

And if they actually aren’t fucking up their director’s vision?

I always liked him for a Year One-ish adaptation of Bruce Wayne.

Incorrect. LeBron James is a bitch.

I wonder if it’s going to be part of her arc. Like, finally experiencing something a bit more normal after all she’s been through. I’ve no idea, though.

Have they actually confirmed he’s Ganke? I ask because the animated film is rumored to be with Miles and separate from the film universe so I can’t imagine they’d use Ganke in both.

What cemented it for me was that it also dropped nearly the same in China.

Which was disappointing since she’s such a terrible actress. None of them are great, of course, but she and Colton are a special kind of bad.

Maybe Kyrie should take his shortcut to Miami Beach.

Am I the only one that likes it and had a good time seeing it but also thinks it’s not as great as some are making it out to be?

And will learn how to dive for a fumble.

Is anybody else not really feelin’ season two thus far?


Check out his Twitter.

Five. For now.

Both teams played hard.

And the head gear. That shit was cray in Man of Steel.

Amell recently posted something about being on set or something. I didn’t read it. But I do believe he’ll be back at some point.

The Sun Crusher? It’d be a nice nod to Legends, I suppose.

The Outsiders, please.