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    I think it’s pretty present for most anchors to some extent, but I imagine that it’s something that white anchors don’t get scrutinized for like people of color, so regardless of how they actually talk in their daily life, I think people of color probably have to do more to mold their speech into some kind of

    The combo of the skating with the newscaster voice is the jarring part

    That game was fixed...

    Contrary to popular belief, music doesn’t cause SARS COV-2. It’s actually cause by a virus!

    I have it on good authority that the headdress prevents the virus.

    You know, sometimes they’re right when they say that a new technology will cost jobs, like the panic when toilet paper was invented.

    I was hoping this interview was going to be about The Gummy Venus De Milo.

    I saw both the movies Swordfish and Hackers - Can’t they just hack the code?

    The Rock (the The Ohio State of minerals) seems like someone straining to barely hold back an incredible rage behind a very forced smile. I’m sure he’s actually quite easy to work with for any normal person that doesn’t get in his face. Vin Diesel just seems like a really creepy weirdo who you shouldn’t leave your

    It’s a great game. I have mostly gone straight on the emulation front since my teen years, but this might pull me back in to do all kinds of weird stuff to my Switch for the glory of some of these games.

    You’d think a multi-millionaire wouldn’t have much to find sad and disturbing in the world, but here we are...

    How DARE YOU kink-shame this man!

    It sounds revolutionary, and I hope it doesn’t turn out to be a lot of wishful thinking. It looks like we might be turning a corner on finding really effective and lasting therapies for people, but it always seems like we’re turning that corner.

    Alright, let’s try some Dante

    Look, are you going to help me write my book report, or not?

    Oh yeah? Well explain this passage:

    Psych is my ultimate basic-bitch viewing pleasure

    I can’t imagine it being as painfully unfunny as That 70's Show, but hey kids, prove me wrong!

    My understanding of PTSD is that the memories stored are found to be very very stable, in comparison with memory processes that are not associated with trauma. Basically, it seems like the memory can’t be processed to make a gist, like we do with most memories, because it’s too traumatic, (and this would seem to

    Yet he was able to focus his rage at being called “James Blond” in order to become a cold, killing machine.