
Ugh I have to use Instagram to hustle business for myself and I HATE being part of that system. I’m trying to steer my career in a direction that I won’t rely so much on social media but frankly Instagram has been the single most useful tool for me to launch a business and make money from it (I’m an artist/illustrator

This. It also drives me crazy when people minimize their own lateness with something to the effect of “sorry I’m a little late.” Just make an unqualified apology and leave it up to the other person to decide how serious (or not) a transgression it is.

Category A too; if work starts at 0730 then as far as I’m concerned, you’re here ready to get busy at 0730. However, for the last 7 months I’ve been working with a few people for whom a 9am start means they’re pulling into the hospital at 9, then get a coffee and then eat breakfast. They’ll also answer their phones in

Well THAT needs to change. Anybody who works with youth should be a mandated reporter, period.

I am firmly in category A, having been raised by military parents (arriving on time is late). I worked with people would routinely show up to stuff 30-60 mins late because of (a) rain (it rains most days of the year) or (b) inability to get their lives together or (c) ‘culture’. Lateness is one thing I cannot stand;

A good illustration of the related, later. Soon has that anticipatory tang that masks the lateness. 

I've forever been early, meeting friends, appointments, work. Not ridiculously early, 10 mins maybe. My bug bear is when others are then late and tell me be there soon!! I'm bad at waiting. 

My neighborhood is festooned with signage saying things are “Coming Soon!” This is very common in New York. The signs have logos for businesses that will be occupying storefronts, or architectural rendering of what the buildings will look like at vacant lots. Almost nothing ever happens.

A thing I really appreciate about the group of friends I’ve made over the years is that we’re all predictable when it comes to timeliness. There are three categories of behavior:
a. folk who are 5 min early / precisely on time.
b. folk who are usually 5-10 min late, but can tell you with precision how far away they are.

USOC isn’t coming out of this much cleaner than USAG. Here’s a reminder that aside from this historical bullshit, they were the ones who literally sent the ill-fated Mary Bono’s name on the shortlist for the USAG presidency despite her having worked for the PR firm that tried to cover up Nassar. (Bono’s the one who

Fuck that fucking guy. Fuck him for thinking it was ok to make ANY comment about someone else’s body but especially this. Good for you for working to be comfortable with yourself. It’s somehing I’m constantly working towards as well. I hope he gets a RAGING charleyhorse when he tries to sleep tonight.

I’m exhausted from my day standing in the freezing cold trying to explain to people why the whole city of Philadelphia isn’t open on Thanksgiving. It was only five hours of work, but I was for whatever reason put in charge (WHAT THE FUCK) and it was super tiring.

I have no where else to write this and I gotta get it off my chest soooo here goes

Not Thanksgiving related, but on Sunday afternoon. I reunited a tearful and emotional Iggy Azalea with her iPhone on Pico Boulevard, near the Gus's Fried Chicken at the corner with Crenshaw. She'd misplaced it and was wailing for its return when I saw it resting on a ledge of a building. I asked if it was hers, she

My parents moved away a few months ago which was pretty depressing because I’ve been lucky enough to always live close to my mom. I loooove my mom so much. So I hosted my first Thanksgiving today! My brother and his family came over, along with my husband’s brother, and it was really a delightful day. I’m quite

So I’ve posted before on SNS recently that I was preparing to leave my husband. Well tonight’s night 3 in my apartment. The very first time I’ve ever lived alone as an adult. It’s surreal. I spent the day either on the bed smoking a bowl or unpacking & making space for my sofa delivery & assembly tomorrow.  I can’t

It’s never the woman abuser you know, either. I’m a lesbian, was in a LTR with someone who escalated incrementally from controlling to angry to rageful to, one day, physically abusive. I told myself all the standard stuff – she doesn’t mean it, she’s going through a hard time, she’s smaller than I am so can’t really

I know the man” is just another way of saying I am biased. We would never let someone who is related to the defendant judge the case or be on the juror. (If things are working right) So, why do we listen to them at sentencing? 

A mistake is making a left turn when you wanted to go right. There are so many mistakes, but beating the shit out of someone and breaking bones is a violent assault.

I don’t care how “broken” someone is, there’s no excuse for this behavior. As the child of abusive parents who blamed their actions on “stress” and my “disrespectfulness,” this asshole can fuck the hell off, and so can anyone who defends him.