
Hillary acknowledged that that was a mistake, both in terms of wording and in terms of content. The thing is, she was simply more electable-she had some baggage, yes, but it was known baggage. Most of the people who supported her weren’t against the principles Bernie espoused, they just didn’t think that he was a sure

LOL. Our “best ally” has to be mince words to not offend racists. Pass.

It’s funny that you mention Seattle. The anti-homelessness measure that failed there is another prime example. Progressives put that thing together knowing damn well that there’d be blowback and when it came the progressives caved. Then, because this is how they operate, they blamed Amazon for the measure’s failure.

Back in 2015, the response to Netroots Nation and Seattle taught me something very important about “progressives”: they’re full of shit. Not every one of them, but Bernie appeal was certainly an appeal to the bullshit. Anyone whose concern over minority oppression wasn’t entirely, as you say, performative would have

Not true. I can think of ... yes, FIVE people that like me.

He didn’t march with MLK, rather he was at the March on Washington (along with 200,000 other people), where MLK gave his I Have A Dream speech, which isn’t the same thing. He completely abandoned his activism in 1963 - years before the CRM even ended - when he fucked off to white-ass Vermont, where he proceeded to do

That, his Yes vote on the 1994 Crime Bill, and his spotty-at-best record on gun control.

He understands it just fine and he hates it. That’s why he’s always chasing Trump voters.

“Marched with King”

And wouldn’t have, despite what Bros say about how he would have beat Trump.

He moved to Vermont in the first place to get away from black people. Too bad he doesn’t understand that POC are literally the Democratic Party’s base.

When did he call a thing a thing?

What makes me sick is that he campaigned with Gillum. He used Gillum to famewhore and then when he thought Gillum lost used that as a way to cape for racists. I hope the black millennials who bought into Bernie’s bullshit see what he’s really about now. This man is not an ally. He’s just Trump without the dementia.

Judging from that mouth breather at the Broward County recount protest... white folks are reversing the hatred and are trying to say that we (black folks) are the racists because we “only want to vote for black candidates”.

Nope. There’s no reason why we need a white guy on both sides of the ticekt - we need the best people. More importantly, Candidates of color know how to turn out voters of color and they know how to speak to progressive values in a way that few can (e.g., Ocasio-Cortez, Obama) - looping together racial and economic

Personally I think disenfranchising whites is the best solution at this point. 

He continues to disappoint.

You guys, they’re not actually racist. They just won’t vote for black people!!!

FFS the solution to “white people are uncomfortable voting for PoC” is to run more PoC until they get comfortable. To run away and throw PoC under the bus is some next level bullshit. I’m really disheartened that so many in the far left are just so utterly clueless about race in this nation.