Yep. Like, the college democrats meetings in Tampa I went to in college were pretty big—like 20+ at all times, but when it was time to go out and register people to vote only 6 showed up. Club president called the rest out for that one.
Yep. Like, the college democrats meetings in Tampa I went to in college were pretty big—like 20+ at all times, but when it was time to go out and register people to vote only 6 showed up. Club president called the rest out for that one.
...was clearly unpopular with the public.
I’ve been trying to provide examples but it’s be difficult to break through with the newer, more energized folks, who have the ideas that can change tactics if they wouldn’t spurn the system when progress doesn’t happen fast enough for them. True progress is an evolution, it takes DECADES, not months or years.
You need to look at that quote again:
Sounds good to me.
As a former employee of the Michigan Democratic Party, #3 kills me. There is quite a large group (Our Revolution types) in Michigan that won’t even give the MDP $25 per year, but 1) expects them to bow to their every demand, and 2) complains that the Party isn’t doing enough to train and elect Dems up and down the…
Yeah! You sure showed her! (Also all of the women, PoC, and members of the LGBTQ community who’s safety and security far left voters traded in favor of “LOL WALL STREET!”)
No kidding.
They’re bad sentences.
I dashed off my comment quickly, and I realize I wasn’t very clear.
What I’m saying is she had a career of middle of the road triangulation.
I’m saying when Clinton was asked about a $15 minimum wage she could have responded with something other than “how about $12?”...
So what you’re saying is there was no evidence Clinton was progressive except for the entire platform she built her campaign on which is also now deemed irrelevant meaning there’s no evidence she could’ve presented that would’ve satisfied you.
I believe the poster might be inferring that Clinton was not a charismatic or exciting politician to most of the electorate...
Let’s be friends and organize together.
(Except that I don’t like your labels because I’ve been a progressive for decades, and I am darned if I’m letting Bernie supporters redefine progressive to equal support for Bernie. Although I may borrow your concept of “pragmatic progressive” because yes, that is EXACTLY it)
Clinton had a Sanders’ surrogate, Cornel West, help her write her platform. She incorporated Bernie’s points into her platform. That is action. If the only thing you could see was her VP selection wasn’t who you’d decided it should be, that’s part of the problem. She needed to pick someone she could work/govern with.
And again, I’ve yet to hear why the platform matters.
Hillary looked like a solid progressive to you. Same if it is racial justice, or civil liberties.
Look, it doesn’t matter who I killed, just that you remember I killed them bestly.