
The police don’t really help; they mostly just make it worse.

I think I hate the harassers more. Theoretically, a few of the Facebook live people might have scrolled past inattentively or assumed it was some kind of staged thing (I don’t know how Facebook live works). The people who are harassing her now KNOW FOR SURE that she was gang raped and they are harassing her BECAUSE

neither did she - shouldn’t that count for something?

I picture a morbidly obese bulldog, but that’s an insult to bulldogs. He looks like he ate king-size Marlon Brando.

It’s not like the comics are just shit or anything these days with storylines too convoluted to keep up with or terrible writers being terrible.

Soooo... basically white geekboys are throwing temper tantrums that their preferred media doesn’t reflect them? Huh. Wonder how THAT feels...

Yeah, and feminism is no longer needed because blah blah blah stuff. These assholes can go suck a bag of dicks

I never got why middle-aged women cut off their hair. Until I hit middle age myself. I haven’t cut it (I never had it longer than shoulder length anyway) but i get it. It’s fucking hormones. They have turned my head of curls into a frizzy mess that needs so much more work (and products) to look good. Age and hormones

I’m in my 20s and when I went from boob length hair to a pixie cuts my headaches pretty much disappeared. It was really surprising. I’ve since grown it out to shoulder length, but I’m sure I’ll go back to the pixie cut in the future. It’s so much more comfortable (especially when sleeping).

It always baffles me how many women hit 45 and hack off their locks as if it’s some sort of ritualistic punishment for aging.

Please don’t give to the Red Cross. After receiving hundreds of millions of dollars for Haiti’s earthquake, they built only six (yes, 6)houses. The rest of the $$$ went to vultures from other countries who swept in and treated the local population like crap, even refusing to hire Haitians.

“Adults, women and infants...” What you saying there, Commander?

Simple answer: Because they resent the existence of women as even potential equals. They long for the days described in the bible, where women were chattel, and men were the final word on anything.

You strip women of their agency, make them completely dependent on men for food, housing, and money, you create another generation of GOP women.

I don’t think I’ll ever understand why this is happening in the USA. In 1990 there was an attempt in Canada to recriminalize abortion. After several women were injured/killed from amatuer abortions in the following weeks our Senate would not pass the bill. As Dr Morgentaler wrote in 1996 “Have all these people

Is that what the scissors lapel pin is all about?

Good luck to them. It’s doubtful that the Trump administration will reach out with foreign aid or assistance the way previous administrations most certainly would have to a hemispheric neighbor.

Matt Bevin, and every man like him, should be forcibly sterilized.