
It’s my bday today, and also the bday of a male coworker. We just made lunch plans. He is married, and I live with my boyfriend. I am absolutely certain there will be no fucking.

I got dinner with a male man who wasn’t my husband lord master and then got diarrhea on the way home, so yes.

Yes. If your marriage is on such shaky grounds that the mere act of getting a soup & salad with a female is enough to break your bond, mayhaps you have bigger issues.

Totally agree with you that he cannot fathom women as colleagues/business partners. Also want to point out that people like Pence who are so uptight about stuff like this usually have some weird kinky shit going on in the background.

And it just perpetuates the myth that men can’t control themselves around women — and it’s the women’s fault

This! This is the attitude that I’ve encountered constantly in my time on this planet, especially as it is often combined with the guy that is convinced that all men think exactly like him.

That one made me laugh too, which I truly appreciate. It gave me a brief respite from the extraordinary stress I’m under every day that I wake up and see Trump is still president.

When I read comments from ultra conservative type people that are prone to the pearl clutching it just makes me think “You are basically indicating that we should all be afraid of YOU, not the other way around.” Because they 1. believe that men are just lustful beasts that simply can’t enjoy a meal with women they

Mike Pence does not see women as colleagues or business partners (or god forbid, bosses). I am in finance and have meals alone with dudes all of the time for work reasons. In fact, when I am travelling on business, I make a special point of having dinner alone with my boss because it’s the rare time I get his full,

Seriously, that’s some insane reasoning by that guy. What’s the appropriate reason? Work, dumbass. Does he not work or have businesses interactions with women that have involved lunch or some other meal? His reasoning seems to be that unless you are going to absolutely fuck a woman, you shouldn’t sit down and eat a

I used to see his articles posted on FB before I cut out all the racists people in my life. His articles were pure shit. Even when he was lambasting the left for infantilize women by pushing bc on us, he would write in such a patronizing and demeaning manner. He is such a fucking hypocrite. No wonder he’s a big deal

I admire Pence for coming up with this common sense solution to a very real problem.

I think the fact that none of these conservative male fuckwits have any women they think of as just friends speaks VOLUMES for their disdain for women as people. Because obviously for them, if a woman isn’t for fucking or marrying or knocking up, there’s just no reason to interact with her or care about her at all is

I think most men think all women want to have sex with them.

This annoys me to no fucking end. Women already get left out of a ton of the socialkind of gatherings that really do help your career (Oh, all the boyswent to the bar with the boss after work? Nice.), and in jobs like politics (where you are on the road, or working late, or out at meetings a lot) that can

“take off ur cardigan... take off ur second cardigan”

My hatred of Matt Walsh knows no bounds. I grew up in a religiously conservative community and people like him piss me off. Fuck the patriarchal evangelical conservatism that passes for his brand of Christianity.

“I never thought I’d be saying that W isn’t the worst president of my lifetime.”

I never thought I’d be saying that W isn’t the worst president of my lifetime. Also, he may have been in someone’s pocket but at least he was bought and paid for by an American company instead of some Russian one. That’s true patriotism.

Same here. It’s just been a fucking nightmare for so long and I haven’t slept well since November 9.