
Articles like this always make me sad. I read this article on Vice and it conflated many different issues. I personally am a VA employee and know that this specific instance in the article, he did not report his divorce to the correct source. He had them removed from his medical benefits but not his disability

Here’s a good piece on Big Little Lies in Flavorwire.

Hmm, I have no problem with talking about a fake dick. I think fake dicks are very funny and worth talking about, actually! My problem is when in doing so, you characterize attempted rape as “seduction.”

It’s a funny fake dick, but that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t call his character a rapist.

Forever and Ever, Amen.

As always, fuck Ronald Reagan

Heck yes! Hourly tipped wages is incredibly unfair. I’m willing to pay more for servers to have a livable wage.

this means eliminating the tipped minimum wage, which currently sits at just $2.13 nationally.

Women have done the vast majority of work in changing social structures and attitudes. Women will continue to do the work.

The $2.13 minimum tipped wage is an embarrassment to the country.

This is the kind of shit white people need to stamp out, or at the very least give side-eye to and not laugh at, when their friends and/or family say it.

I am white but when very young my mom married my dad who is Hispanic. So my entire life I have lived in a Hispanic family. Now as an adult many white people will start discussing immigration and those people and they have no idea why i’m mad until I tell them my last name.

And everybody knows an asshole who makes “jokes” just like that. Motherfockers.

Great point. I think we forget, what with the Alex Joneses and Hannities we currently have infesting our airwaves, how much damage O’Reilly has caused as the standard bearer for a generation of white men.

Remember when someone described Roger Ailes balls as looking like old hamburger meat (During the sexual misconduct allegations)? That’s how I imagine most of these guys to be. Nasty, small-dicked and generally repulsive when their clothes come off as though Hieronymus Bosch was using their nether-regions as

Yup, she was 100% right on the Iraq War and I think she’ll be proven right about her comments on Trump’s Russia connections as well.

These men, these trash piece of shit men like O’Reilly and Trump, love to insult women’s looks. They think it’s like a shot to the core or something. That something so trite is cutting or even witty.

Words are insufficient to describe my seething hatred of Bill O’Reilly. Fuck this guy and his smug, irritating, racist, sexist bullshit.

Maxine Waters is a national treasure and hero. Her vote against the Iraq War Resolution in 2002 will confer upon her a legacy of being one of the few politicians of the era of courage and conscience.

I’ve only unfriended one super-conservative Facebook “friend”. I got rid of all the “both sides are the same” people because fuck them.