
God, people like you are so dense. By definition, rejecting a trans woman to whom you’re attracted (i.e., because of who she is) because you find out after the fact that she has a trans history (i.e., because of something she never really was), has nothing to do with “attraction.” It has only to do with transphobia.

I am sadly not surprised. Most of my friends have/are women and too many of them have stories of either being coerced into sex, being raped, or being drugged by people trying to rape them.

Rape by deception is real. This IS rape culture. Why is fraud okay with respect to accessing a woman’s body, but if you did the same with money or property you’d go to jail?

“I’ll use a condom.”

Some of our Euro brethren already do it, but they build up consent as a general ideal in human relationships first. This kid doesn’t want to play? Respect that. They don’t want to give you their toys or be friends? Understand that. And the teachings go on until those same teachings about respecting boundaries become

That is a good point, guys really need hold each other accountable. In terms of spotting potential rapist and course correcting them, it’s a lot easier said than done though...I mean most guys are guilty of being the “Billy Bush” in a locker room conversation, which I guess is the only way to know if a guy may or may

That’s spot on. I mean I can tell my daughters till im blue in the face how to reduce the risk of being raped ( go to college parties in groups, get your own drinks etc) but even if they follow it ( and even if they don’t) none of that addresses the fact that men think it’s ok to rape women. The men have got to speak

This. I’m no prude and have no issue with porn, but when kids/ teens are now being introduced to “sex” as violent, demeaning gang bangs, rough DP and things like “watch him wreck this virgin slut”, thanks to thr combination of a lack of sex education and the incredible availability of free online porn (where the

I know it’s with good intentions, but one of the things that you talk about when training to handle people disclosing assaults to you is that the best thing is to not talk the person’s power away. Meaning, letting them make their own choices, despite how you want them to handle it. Encouraging someone to talk to an

It’s “coercion such as lies and verbal pressure” so it’s not limited to the typical “you’d sleep with me if you really loved me” but includes things like “if you don’t, I’ll tell everyone you did anyway” or “my dad knows your dad and he will be very sorry to hear that you’re getting group fucked by all the frats.”

I think it means like, “I have a condom on” etc

It’s great that this is being brought to light.

The number seems low.

Oh lord, maybe I’m an extremely fucked up and psychopathic person, but I maybe would (although, not if my presence tipped the balance between someone getting executed or not). I am against the death penalty, but I also believe that so many of us are so far removed from ever seeing the actual consequences of this law

Revenge is a stinky cologne. Do you really want to sink to their level? Let’s get more level-headed, science-minded folks on our local community boards, boards of education, state assemblies, and Congress.

Wtf is this

My money’s on Flynn having already flipped for the FBI, and now they’re all scrambling to get whatever deals they can—if you’re the first to testify to the House it’s probably going to look better than if you were the last.

And it would go a long way towards fixing the problems. Ribio stiffed the insurance companies. And the thing is, is that they told him they’d have to pull out of the exchanges if he did it so it’s just so cynical and plain mean that he went ahead. And now we see today that they don’t know how to govern. They don’t

Let’s just get a running tally going...

I too don’t know which month my assault took place but I have vivid details forever etched on my mind. I still want to kill him.