IT’S SATIRE UGH this is why women aren’t funny. Women just don’t understand high-level humor. Like puns.
IT’S SATIRE UGH this is why women aren’t funny. Women just don’t understand high-level humor. Like puns.
I am blind to symbolism, it’s an affliction. Please please impart more wisdom about how insightful you and HamNo are to women’s issues, because my little lady brain just doesn’t understand.
I am so fucking glad you said this, cause I couldn’t make it through the piece.
Lol did you just mansplain the post to me?
Well, now that she’s not the president and Trump is, we can say clearly that people who worked to help him win the presidency were exceptionally shitty allies. Because of the allyship of theoretically woke progressives, we now have a country where brown people are being held prisoner in airports,Planned Parenthood is…
Seriously. Reading this and being expected to laugh counts as unpaid emotional labor as far as I’m concerned.
But then how would we know that he’s special, and super-extra-on-our-side, without, you know, all those funny jokes?
Ugh fucking PAREENE. With friends like these...
Yeah. I wish Emma had made it clear with them that “none” is the only acceptable level of tone-deaf joke posts acceptable by Hamilton today, though.
It’s so frustrating and offensive when these guys think it’s more appriopriate to make jokes than to take something seriously and get on our fucking side for once.
I’m responding to you, but I’m also commenting to just put it out there that I’m going to dismiss any other post that wants to focus on perceived inadequacies of Hillary over the point of my post, which is that our male allies are being pretty shit. Throughout the election, I listened to plenty of men slamming…
I was referring to a post by Emma Carmichael, editor of Jez, from last night:
But he totally takes women’s issues seriously. He’s an ally. I mean, why can’t bitches just appreciate good guys, right?
It’s international women’s day and I refuse to relitigate the election with you. The point is, this post shows how seriously our “allies” consider women’s issues to be. And HamNo’s slamming Hillary throughout the election and then at the end going “eh I guess I’ll vote for her, though” certainly didn’t help anything.
last night was about how seriously and thoughtfully the men were taking their posting duties today?
At least Samer tried in his fashion post.
“How can I be helpful to women today, on a day important to them? I know! I’ll write 700 words about a pun! HAHAHAHA”
Seriously. I thought Emma’s post last night was about how seriously and thoughtfully the men were taking their posting duties today? And yet we’re getting the same crap we got when AJ ran Jez for a day (at least no one has posted the nude selfies that women sent them... yet).
I’m baffled as to why so many journalists, even those critical of Wikileaks, believe they don’t “hack” at all and just procure documents that “people” send them. Don’t they find it just the tiniest bit suspicious that Wikileaks main targets have been Merkel, Macron, Clinton, Obama, etc......?