
Because of course it is. He’s on a mission to teach women their place, and make sure men can be men, which in his view obviously equals rapist. How is this guy still on the bench? Why do I even ask that anymore? Rape apologists, and misogynists are in the judicial everywhere.

If you had a point, I’d have indulged you. But since, once again, you lack the skills to understand what you’re reading and respond to something I actually said, there’s nothing to “answer”. Keep trying, though. I’m sure I’m not the only one amused by your incessant ass-baring.

Try reading for a change, moron.

Same judge who came down light on the boys in the Rehteah Parsons case.

This is fucking disgusting. Is this asshole for real? Even using his dipshit logic, this guy was hired to drive a drunk woman home. It was his job. It’s not like they were even on a date, which is when I would be similarly disgusted but less surprised to hear yet another person in a position of authority utter such a

Trump being taken down by a Reply Allpocalypse would be a fitting end to this brief shitstain on American history.

I wonder if all those White House leaks are happening partly because no one there knows how the “reply all” function works.

Same here. It is really hard. And my abuse started when I was 3-4, which logically I know that no person would ever blame a child that age, but I do. I mean, part of it was the grooming aspect and that it went on for years, which made me compliant and feel complicit, but I really do struggle with feeling responsible

What Jane said hits so close to home for me. I am intelligent and as feminist as they come, and logically I know that rape is never the fault of anyone but the rapist. But knowing that logically doesn’t always translate into applying it to yourself, or at least it didn’t for me. I would NEVER blame anyone else for

FYI: YesYesThisAgain is, while not a troll in the strict sense of the word, an MRA who mostly hangs around Jezebel to argue (at great length) about how hard life is for men. I fell into the trap last week, and it’s really not worth engaging him.

Oh, I would act like I was going to buy it, but nah, I would take a bathroom break and bail on the bill leaving one of the 53% of white women that voted for him holding the check. Nope definitely not above this.

See, the problem with your thought process is that it’s based on consistency. The jerks who set this up want to simultaneously paint him as “not boy” enough to compete against other boys, but “too boy” to compete against girls. They really just want him to go home and not be trans where they can see him.

It’s funny you say that, because I was just talking about this with my wife the other day. We were talking specifically about Gavin Grimm, and then my wife pointed out that the 2 trans boys and 1 girl who identifies as gender non-conforming that we know are all years ahead in emotional maturity than other kids their

If I were the parent of a girl wrestler who was going to be matched with Mack, I’d object on the basis that it’s not fair for my daughter to wrestle a boy. To be clear, my objection is not to having girls wrestle against trans boys. It’s to having girls wrestle against boys. He should be on the boy’s wrestling team

I feel like most anti-trans laws don’t consider trans men. The fear mongering rhetoric always focuses on cis men pretending to be women under the guise of being trans, and using that as a means to take advantage of “real” women. 

I feel like all of these transphobic rules and laws forget about transmen.

So he can’t wrestle with the boys but he also can’t wrestle with the girls. Look, you ignorant fucks, you can’t have it both ways. Either you let the kid wrestle in his own gender group, or you let him wrestle with the girls and don’t have a hissy fit when he wins because, you know, he’s not a girl.

As for the boos, the Guardian reports that Beggs has said it doesn’t bother him anymore. “Honestly, I was like, ‘You know what? Boo all you want, because you’re just hating,” said Beggs, “You hating ain’t going to get me and you nowhere, and I’m just going to keep on doing what I’ve got to do.’ That’s why I’ve always

What kills me about this was 100% brought on by the bigots, who are now upset by this completely predictable conclusion of the bigotry.

“You are a girl, you have to compete with the girls!”

“How dare you compete with the girls!”