
There are pockets of Georgia that are good. Like Atlanta and Savannah. It’s just the more rural parts are a little... y’know.

The judge actually went beyond the sentences requested by the prosecution - they were requesting something like 7 years for the man and 3 for the woman. But that is within a judge’s discretion to do, and it’s the chance you take. The judge was especially harsh because they directly threatened children, which he said

“I mean, sure, for fun I’d join a big group of people who crash your child’s birthday party and points guns at unarmed citizens and threaten to kill them, but I wouldn’t use the n-word, so I’m not a racist or a criminal.”

Their entire intent was to create fear, to show this family, even in their own home they are not safe. Even at a child’s bday party. Fuck them. I drink their tears like i do Holtzclaw’s. Cry you sociopathic morons, cry for your inability to get off scott free. At least the system got it barely right this time.

That and they’re claiming their sentences are unfair based on those that made deals. Except that’s the entire incentive in making a deal - you get a lighter sentence and the state doesn’t have to spend time and money trying you.

From another article on CNN:

The reporting on this (obviously not here) in other outlets has made me insane. It says things like “confederate flag couple sentenced to prison time” or whatever, completely ignoring the fact these people terrorized and waived a gun at children at a birthday party!! I’ve seen so many comments like “yes, it’s bad, but

Wait. That was their defense? That they weren’t the ones who threatened the partygoers? Man, fuck y’all. You rolled up six or seven cars deep into a mostly African-American neighborhood with Confederate flags flying from every single vehicle. You purposely went out looking for a fucking conflict, and when you noticed

Also, maybe I’m reading the article incorrectly, but didn’t she actually do the stuff she is saying she would never do?

thats because racism has not only been legitimized, its been deemed patriotism.

“I would never ...” = “I didn’t realize there would be consequences for my actions.” Which is why we are seeing an uptick in racist and anti-Semitic acts; people are getting the message that they can get away with it.

When he asked if that black woman if she was that guy’s wife I held my breath. I mean, there hadn’t been any indictation (that I saw) that they were together other than black + black. And like fuck you picking two people and making fun of names that were clearly cultural.

Eh, skip Baldwin. I never knew what people liked so much about him, anyway. You may see “old Hollywood glamour,” but I just see a smug old white dude with oddly square features and a voice that somehow manages to be gratingly sonorous. (Of course, these qualities are part of what makes his Trump impression so spot-on.)

Listen...yes you covered my annoyances quite well. The fact that he spent a long ASD time mocking a baby’s name annoyed the shit out of me. Saying LA LA land should keep it...bitch give Moonlight their things and get off the stage! He can go his jokes were lame and he made some dog whistle comments that did not escape

Some possibilities:

I stayed at a hotel for work last week, and there was this super creepy reception employee who touched me twice while checking in! I literally hit his arm away the second time, after hoping he would get the message when I flinched the first time. He didn’t. He was trying to bring my bag up to my room for me and I

I think part of it is that, as a whole -men and women, we are socialized in a way that makes acceptable for men to touch women and for women to be receptive. You don’t see men encroaching on other men’s personal space because their bodily autonomy is respected in ways that women’s are just fucking not.

Isn’t it funny how handsy assholes like this are never caught in a museum with their hands all over a masterpiece? And somehow are never seen fondling any admirable watches or cufflinks that their male co-workers or bosses might wear?

Yup. I had this fucker who find any excuse to touch you. The hands on hips to “scoot” around you move was his most frequent. And he would do this thing where he would reach out and touch, say, a necklace I was wearing and give me a compliment. Then be offend that I was “being rude” about him just trying to be nice and