
Liberty [University], where students are asked to sign an “honor code,” which prohibits sex outside of marriage, but the honor code doesn’t say anything about watching.

An incel just discovered an ADOS article on ABC’s website and tried to say that group hates people more successful than them (what?), and therefor all black people do too.

“It’s either you support All Live Matter, Police Lives Matter or you support Black Lives Matter. I support both”.

It’s not knowing the world yet. Young people like Tatyana, Joyner Lucas, and another young actor who was in a story here this year really believe this ‘All Lives Matter’ mindset. They have some white friends, so they assume the old folks are making too much out of racism. Most of us have some white friends, but the

There has to be a higher barrier to entry to getting a gun than filling out a 4473 and being on your way. Even something as simple as an online course and test of basic “dos and don’ts” might go a long way in limiting some of this egregious behavior.

Fuck those troops!

Listen, as a Black woman I am very happy to say that I am the 20th great-granddaughter of Robert the Bruce, just because I know it pisses some Braveheart motherfuckers off!

One of my favorite ‘proverbs’!

A scorpion, which cannot swim, asks a frog to carry it across a river on the frog’s back. The frog hesitates, afraid of being stung by the scorpion, but the scorpion argues that if it did that, they would both drown. The frog considers this argument sensible and agrees to transport the scorpion. Midway across the

I’ve come to the determination that we’re going to be living like this (Sheltering in place, social distancing, masks, etc.) for at least another year. I’ve been optimistic for the past few months, during COVID, that as a country we’d beat this and be able to live some resemblance of life in Jan/Feb of 2021. But the

Here’s a question. What if - they’re not law enforcement?

No. That would be the morons that vote for him.

He really is just the dumbest motherfucker on earth, isn’t he?

Why does she need to speak English, did she randomly go to you and speak at you in Spanish for no reason and record herself doing it for her followers?

The most delightful part about this whole thing is that she filmed herself. She got herself fired! What a thing of absolute beauty. So much fuckery and idiocy and she is the one who released it to the world.

The shining city on a hill is not new in American Politics, it has its roots in the Kennedy Administration. It would be nice to have something to be proud of in American history. But well.... we don’t.

This was a disgusting massacre not a race riot. And it was sanctioned by every white person in that town. There are more massacres of Black people buried in America that will never see the light of day.

Narcissists gonna narcissize. Been dealing with one of those lately too (MIL). It’s a crazy fantasy world they live in, and nothing is ever their fault. Good luck with yours! 

Victim of your own stupidity is a thing, right.

LMAO, gonna be very hard to convince anyone that you weren’t interested in escalating when you specifically put yourself in greater danger while also introducing a firearm to the equation... and then hyperventilating while holding said firearm because your mind was running away from you.