...the woman immediately replied that there’s no way her son could be racist because she has a “mixed” baby by a black man.
...the woman immediately replied that there’s no way her son could be racist because she has a “mixed” baby by a black man.
Every Sunday in college, I’d order a large pizza and eat it in bed while watching TV.
In PROC? Granted they don’t recognize gay marriages but they certainly don’t line them up in front of walls. In fact, they’ve even ruled that gay conversion therapies are illegal.
It beams the images directly into his brain, stupid!
Who doesn’t?
I made that! I just lost interest in Minecraft, sadly. That’s why I was saying I don’t feel so bad about abandoning development.
Finally I don’t feel so bad about abandoning my Adventure Time Craft texture pack!
How dare they add unrealistic women soldiers into a game where you can General Lee cars from the 1910's over ravines and everyone has automatic rifles?!
That’s why you check your oil often!
Hey, whatever it takes.
So the candy corn flavored Oreos then?
I like it
He... he’ll be missed by his loved ones?
He’s also, dare I say, a big old poopoo head?
I imagine that there are far better ways to discuss peer-pressure to a student.
My girlfriend was right when she said Hillary would lose 2016 and the reasons she gave were largely backed up by professional analysis afterwards so it gives me relief when she also tells me This Guy is on his way out.
Now that is commitment to your product!
At the very least, I would have told her to go to the back of the line then in that case alongside with a few choice curse words!
And here’s some extremely grainy security footage of what may or may not be the kid touching the poor store owners merchandise!
Man fuck those fuckers. After everything he’s been through, he should make all the money with zero fucks given.