
You don’t got to? I mean it’s pretty obvious the direction you’re going and all you have to do is look out for traffic from the left.

Haven’t you seen any Disney films before? This is the low part of the Heroes Journey before the GOP falls from power and is eaten alive by a pack of hungry hyenas.

Still haven’t seen any half Indonesian, half white leads yet!

Hey, you’re the one that brought it up! Not me!

I don’t see the resemblence.

Now when you got baptized, did you get baptized in a proper, Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region Council of 1912 sanctioned river or a shitty Northern Conservative Baptist Great Lakes Region Council of 1879 sanctioned river?

Teenage boy gets kicked in the balls

Don’t you people wash your rice beforehand?!

I remember going to Sears in Bellevue and me and my girflriend actually got flashbacks of being a kid in the 80's and 90's. Even the smell was that of the late 20th century.

It is my dream to get an 80's box car and turn it into something as beautiful as your car. I’m thinking like an 80's Crown Victoria or a Chevy Caprise.

Dear younger self,

Going to switch careers, get a year of experience and get the fuck out of America. I even got family in Australia that could potentially get me a family visa if need-be.

“If you buy now, we’ll include a free tank of gas!” And he does this weird jazz hand, eye widdening thing as if he’s shocked at what a great deal that is.

Is this the same video that clearly shows him shooting several times Walter in the back as he ran away in broad daylight?

Pieces of chicken with cheese and pulled pork?!

The funny thing is that suppressors don’t really reduce noise that much. It’s still hella loud.

Oh yeah that’s coming out soon, isn’t it?

Step 1; Don’t eat a biiiiig meal beforehand

Good riddence!