
And interestingly the next day, there’s one 5 star review that is articulated and gushes about how honorable and honest the dealers are!

Drawing, Battlefield 1, plus going back to school to learn UX/UI Design so I can look for good paying positions overseas.

Man, Goldeneye always sucked in either century.

I used to love Meatloaf and try to like his newer stuff today but he just went downhill after Bat out of Hell 3.

I got some kind of Port but the important thing is it has a 20% alcohol content!

See you in another six days!

Ah you never forget your first car! I had a 94 Camry I drove for over 9 years. Underpowered, creaky, small, and it had this electrical issue every now and then where it wouldn’t turn over unless you waited for 15-30 minutes then it would start as if nothing was wrong. I cried the day I traded it in and mourned for

I always thought the alure of electric cars is that they run on a fuel source that can be generated by a lot of things instead of one specific fuel source that needs to be refined and requires a ton of infrastructure just for the production of that one specific fuel source.

Too soon, man.


Come on it’s not THAT bad a car, is it?

Just stick with the first Skyrim and a bunch of texture mods.

It’s only as much of a copy as the wings are in the back and elevators are at the front. There’s a lot of differences between the Mig 144 and the J-20. Just the air intakes are completely different.

I read something a while ago also mentioning that the most significant thing is that the design is original and that the Chinese didn’t copy any other jet fighter design, which supposedly speaks to their current capabilities.

I understand. I’ll just call them flappies instead.

Was this man’s name Christian Chandler, wear a loud blue and red striped sweater, and have an unhealthy obsession for Sonic the Hedgehog and Pikachu?

“Sir, this is the mechanic. This woman’s tire is indeed deflated. I would recommend completely against her driving on it.”

I could already tell from his picture that he’s a massive douche. It’s like the sharpness of someones smile and something in their eyes or something.

Not mine. All of them will just be countdowns to sorrow