omfg i’m so stressed out now
omfg i’m so stressed out now
Shit! My point being she may already have had her trifecta!
Wasn’t she with Brody Jenner? It hardly makes sense, but I seem to recall...
Ma chère Avril, c’est à ton tour...
Zac Efron’s not ok, it’s just not fully manifest yet...
Better yet, Songs in the Key of G
My 12 year old daughter nearly DIED of embarrassment at this scene lol
I hate to discriminate but I’d never hire a hot nanny!
Only when they’re rabble-rousing!
accent aigu: é
accent grave: è
accent circonflexe: ê
I’m with you Tomo. I once loved Gawker comments but there is no place left for honest questions, obnoxious humour or diverse opinion. Step outside the box and you’re a troll.
Gag at the thought of the sour milk smell and sticky skin, that pick’s up every crumb and cat hair. Suffer with UTI and vile red wine/whipped cream hangover.
Curse out Mickey Rourke and Kim Basinger!
those are collectibles, don’t scrap them!
I hate it when men apologize to me for swearing.
Did you dad's beard grow to 30 feet in his lifetime or is the internet lying again?
"How to buy private party car with cash"? Please explain!
I agree, but NOT about the dress!
Ew! Is that a cold sore?
My life was going well/I'm at the top of my game à la War Machine
Depends on the crime. You don't grow out of being a psychopath but you probably wouldn't keep stealing if you weren't poor and starving.