Hello everyone, and welcome to this week’s edition of Will It Sous Vide?, the weekly column where I make whatever…
I sous vide carrots, turnips, parsnips, and potatoes together then caramelize them in a pan in their own juices. They’re so good that they’re almost life changing.
1) I got rid of the salad spinner and started buying prewashed greens. May be costing more money but I eat a lot of salad and I appreciate the convenience
Do any of you grow your own ginger?I take a knuckle or two, shove them in a large flower pot and keep the soil damp. For weeks,... nothing, and then all of a sudden there are shoots and a rather attractive plant. Later in the summer, I reach into the soil, grab a root and break off a chunk of fresh ginger. I also…
Ok go for the Juicy Lucy (because i’m not googling that at work)!
So, basically, take the amount of something I would normally eat, then divide that by three to determine the ‘serving size’. :-)
How is there no mention of Project Fi? Cheapest possible is $20/mo for one person, or $35/mo for two people. Data is à la carte for $0.01/MB ($10/GB) so a single person using 1GB is $30. Pretty darn good deal rivaling the competition if you ask me, not even counting the great perks it has like no extra fee to use data…
And then, at the end of a very long life, he would appear and gently tell you it was time to clean up your work space.
If anyone is wondering why Canada has lower drug prices than the US, here’s some background on the Patented Medicine Prices Review Board, which regulates prescription drug prices.
I thought if your baby is crying it has to be checked.
Is anyone else unable to install the bloody thing? I had the previous version, which somehow failed to auto-update to the latest, so I manually uninstalled and reinstalled. Now the extension doesn’t show in the menu, and shows “This extension may have been corrupted” in the extensions menu.
Well done! I will be attempting a similar version I found on chefsteps that cooks the dark meat first at a higher temp then adds in the white meat at a lower temp. Total sous vide time is 24 hours and then it’s finished on a smoker/grill. Wish me luck!
It’s easy to imagine Hillary Clinton wiling the evening away with some close friends, laughing over champagne over all of this mishegoss.
I probably need to look into why this annoys me so. But I’m not going to. This annoys me. I’m annoyed. And I’ve decided to be okay with it.
I’ve commented many times on Jez about how the anti-vaxx movement deeply offends me as the mom of an autistic child. The last time I commented I got a response basically saying: “if you got to choose, you wouldn’t choose for your kid to have autism”. I thought about it a lot and I really think I would. My son has an…
It’s also fucked up to tell parents of autistic children that they’re to “blame” for getting them the proper vaccinations.
Act superior if you want, but as someone who doesn't know who Billy Bush is, I feel like the real winner here.