
His depression didn't seem to be due to his own problems, unless you think he was responsible for his father being an alcoholic and his mother being abusive. I consider myself fairly libertarian, and I think he's due some actual sympathy. To dismiss anyone who disagrees with you as being a communist seems just the

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As this (spoilerific) special effects reel demonstrates, The Walking Dead season 3 had a lot of head-trauma. Like, a looooooot. It's pretty cool to see how special effects house Stargate Studios put together all the tasty, tasty head-cleaving. (Via)

If you don't give a fuck, why comment on it? I assume logic is not your strongpoint. Dumbass.

Sony's ceo just twitted about it.

The only other place you need to go and read is princerevolution.org The half prince novels are fantastic, complete, and the author of the series has given permission for their work to be translated by fans so it's completely legal. 1/2 prince manga is also fantastic but it's come to a stand still for the last few

Yeah fuck entertainers. The internet is for information, not enjoyment!

Just Cause 2: broken cargo ship in the middle of the desert.

Deviantart: http://two-players.deviantart.com/art/Happy-Apple-143261468

Yeah well I wasn't making an exhaustive list of ALL well written comics so goddamn chill out Batman. Also I didn't mention it above but you owe to yourself to read Superman: Secret Identity by Kurt Busiek and Stuart Immonen. Seriously. https://comics.comixology.com/series/7343/Superman-Secret-Identity