
So you mean that genre defining games such as Super Mario Kart, Earthbound, Tetris, F-Zero, Zelda ALTP, Star Fox, Super Metroid, Super Mario 64, GoldenEye, and so on are not relevant to gamers? I'm not a huge fan of their last few years (the GameCube and DS were my last Nintendo consoles) but dismissing their last 26

The items in the original Super Mario Kart were just perfect.

It's one of the first game I ever bought for iOS, about 5 or 6 years ago. If memory serves me it was released nearly the same time as Canabalt.

Here's a memory refresher:

My bad, I had forgotten about Suzak's GP Legend and Climax.

A new 2d Metroid with these graphics:

We haven't seen a new game since the GBA

Same thing. The other game would be the often rumored Just Cause 3.


Dude it's a cartoon originally designed to sell toys.

Are you seriously commenting on the graphical quality of a compressed, 256 color 8-bit GIF image?

Thank you. This should be posted at the beginning of all threads about 4K and 8k.

Because products don't sell themselves. Contrary to popular opinion, you need marketing to sell products. Yep, even sending out review copies or press releases to the media and get people to hear about your game, is part of marketing.

For reference, here's the full cover. Like the mag itself, it's an intoxicating mix of utterly inappropriate garbage and wonderful wordplay.

Costs are only a small part of the equation. Using an example from the movie industry, the average movie ticket price hasn't changed in the last 30 years (went from $7.3 (CPI adjusted) to $8.1) while the average budget for a Hollywood movie has more than tripled (went from $50,000,000 (CPI adjusted) to over

During his keynotes Steve Jobs was already calling applications "apps" since the mid-90s, way before Apple released the first iPhone. And I'm pretty sure he didn't coin the term.

you mean seppuku/ harikiri -ritual disembowelment or sudoku death by number?

That guy might really insane

I had a few Game & Watch and still have fond memories of those.