The machine is designed to stay in stand-by mode. And it'll charge your DualShock 4 while it's resting. FINALLY.
The machine is designed to stay in stand-by mode. And it'll charge your DualShock 4 while it's resting. FINALLY.
How do you explain the fake looking boobs?
Although i do sympathize with people that have a seriously slow connection (dialup) maybe they're really an infinitesimal percentage of readers of an article about a device requiring a high speed connection to the Internet.
To help you keep up with marketing lingo:
But then she wouldn't be able to download and install the latest IE on it...
Chrome, obviously. Its UI is both snappier and cleaner. It's available on all platforms, which is essential for anyone juggling between their iPhone, PC and Mac.
And all the TVs are 720p only.
So when Apple does it on one of their product, it's bad (walled garden! boo!), but when it's Google doing the same on their main platform, it's OK, I guess?
If Steam's Hardware survey is anything to go after (it is), only a ridiculously infinitesimal percentage of gamers have a PC able to run the game at this level of graphical fidelity. Even Rockstar Games can't spend $100 million on a game that only a few thousand people can run.
Are we sure that it's Apple banning the issue this time. I'm asking because last time, with Saga #12, it was basically a viral marketing coup pulled by ComiXology who decided to self-censor themselves. I'm an happy ComiXology customer, but let's put the record straight.
Guess why AAA games like GTA V, CODG or BF4 are released on PS3 and X360? 160 million units installed base. These franchises need to sell around 10 million units to cover costs. The installed based for PS4 and XBO is zero at the moment, and won't reach the 10 million mark before at least 6 months - 1 year. Devs have…
I would have thought that this game was a more obvious inspiration:
I raise you Bravely Default: For the Sequel.
DiRT - Dirt. It's Dirt.
Also DRIV3R, even though the game was from the previous generation.
I'm not saying that they're a fit for the Final Fantasy IP. Just like the others are incredibly bad.
These games are not so old though:
The "LR13" at the top looks OK. The others look like they were designed by a 5 year old.
The Wii version was released a couple years ago in the US (…), so probably soon?
I'm going to take a wild guess that making a 2D pixel art game costs magnitudes less than a modern age 3D game with HD graphics.