all things considered

that is indeed how I understand it to work...the bit you quoted was directed more generally at the folks above the line since I believe it was one of the weekend crew (who seem more inclined as a rule to read these comments) that did me that particular service last time they were on deck...

well, if that figure means a gun for every four people I think I must a missed the part that redefined “per capita”...

ol’ maxi is a middling fair contrarian at the best of times & generally more than a little logically-challenged in my experience...so no surprise in that being the tack he’s taken...

the consistency with which the salient points are inevitably the bits these sorts of commenters “misconstrue” in their responses to having their willful ignorance delineated is certainly one of the stronger arguments I’m aware of for a degree of skepticism regarding the question of if they can really be as dumb as

[apologies for the wall of text...]

the BBC had a David Tennant Hamlet on iPlayer a while back which was pretty good...but it's hard to top the casting in that Richard III...

I wouldn’t worry overmuch...if an unintelligible moron considers your reasons to be unguessable it’s perhaps the most meaningless thing they managed to say in a series of comments that strongly suggest they don’t even understand what they themselves said...

please...you can complete the set from here...

no need to apologize, although I appreciate the sentiment...I have a bunch of family in both the UK & the US though...so I’m honestly not sure from day to day which situation is the greater source of grief from a personal perspective...or liable to prove to cause the most lasting damage...

the “all” might be a little harsh...I mean, yeah the ones that voted for it are by & large exactly as stupid as you suggest but there aren’t as many of them as there were...

Not having been there, or knowing much about there, why would a hard border between the Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland potentially bring about the Troubles again?

I’d have to take your word for Mr Brooks’ prowess on the field...I’m kind of a heathen where sports are concerned...but I doubt he’s as cromulent as this Aaron...

de nada...

pretty sure I probably still ought to be grey but since I’m not & your point about John Major questioning the legality of Boris actively sabotaging the ability of Parliament to fulfil its obligations is (imho) an important & telling one...

given that the whisper-thin majority boris currently has is contingent on the militant unionists of the DUP it seems clear that a lot of this is specifically because he hasn’t got the votes in the house to make this happen & is running scared of farage fucking him over in a general election the same way he did to

the deal with the Queen is that essentially she has to go along with what her government (in the form of its prime minister) proposes since she’s traditionally not meant to take sides or even offer opinions as to her actual view about what they propose...

boris himself claimed only a week or so ago that no deal was a million to one chance (& that this stunt isn’t about steamrolling the thing through against the will of the house & -whatever bullshit they continue to spout to the contrary - the will of the people to a significant degree) & now wants to upgrade that to a

this latest act of political tantrum throwing is clear & unmistakable evidence that the “leave” contingent know full well they can’t do what they’re trying to if they respect the parliamentary system of democracy at any level...

I think that starting a comment with “I have questions” & ending it “I have no questions” would be great mouth to cement the fact the author is primarily engaged in posturing & likely not in good faith...

at least until you hire another footman, right...?