so would that “imagined oppression” bear any resemblance to all that woke you’re out here trying to suggest folks less enlightened than yourself might choke on...?
so would that “imagined oppression” bear any resemblance to all that woke you’re out here trying to suggest folks less enlightened than yourself might choke on...?
“just saying” is your middle name...
that’s a pile of disingenuous crap & the fact that you know it & betray the fact by framing everything you post under that snide little moniker belies the putatively (if tenuously) sound point you fondly imagine that reply to contain...
you’re a thirsty little troll but posting the same weak shit all up & down every thread just makes it look like that shitty axe you’re grinding is worn down to a nub...
always a star for that poem as far as I’m concerned...
as ever that’s a cogent & thoughtful take, Ron...but as something of an inveterate comic geek with a high tolerance for the “meta” side of things I read The Boys (forget if I got to the end but certainly well past Amazon’s first season) & you might have jumped a step or two in your reasoning...
pretty sure Deadwood weren’t afeared of it much either, iirc...
late is better than never...but sadly far from enough it would seem...
I know it’s a word some people think is beyond the pale but I must have been overexposed to it or something (I know an Australian or two who seem to use it as a term of endearment) because I can’t deny there’s a certain blunt anglo-saxon vehemence to its utterance that is hard to substitute...
you sure your name isn't actually Rupert Murdoch...?
some days you just want to swap out that last a for a u...
the problem with even paraphrasing the man is (I believe) something of a mantra in the coding community & among statisticians & data analysts...
well, if he gets a second term presumably a Chump™ branded gaming console where you can play out your racist hatemongering NRA fantasies without fearing that you might either be or get mentally ill...I imagine it would go a little like this...
really, though, it’s amazing any mentally ill person could ever acquire a gun IRL...what with them being so busy playing all those video games that made them mentally ill...
[TL;DR: yeah...but I seem to still be aggrieved about it beyond that...]
do you suppose that’s his voting arm or his bill signing arm he’s gone & put out of action...?
that might be a little unfair...unless you click the link & notice the difference between the name as displayed & the account name (this time it’s an “a” after the “L” in Lizardo you won’t notice that it’s a troll doppelganger for a user who wouldn’t post that trash...
for the record...if kinja had an edit window longer than 15mins the word monkey wouldn't appear in the above comment...
I didn’t call you anything...I suggested there might be better targets to upbraid & I’d stand by that...
I wouldn’t know...but speaking for myself I’m plenty riled up by the kinds of bullshit to be found all over the grays & here & there up here in black&white so with no intention of further infuriating you I’d say that any & all reasonable people are angry just now...