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thats almost as funny as the Clit Commander... ;p

Oh gawd.... its totally unfair, cruel and beyond evil to bring up Wing Commander III without announcing a totally new WC game at the same time...

Absolutely. Incredibly hot.

Personally, i found the first Resistance to be amazing and right at the top of my favourite FPSs... i was majorly hyped when 2 came out but once I got my hands on it, almost immediately it felt horribly wrong.

Not Authentic Terrific Nick's Pizza?

heh. +1 for using the word 'onomatopoeia' and raising the average intelligence level around here!

Amateurs. *kik-kik-kik-kik-kik-kik*

oh gawd.... cannot UNSEE!!!!

Kinect = Sex Panther

So...just like in the movies then?



very well done, indeed.

Am I the only one reminded of the 'Highwayman' truck/helicopter combo... :p

That was heart-poundingly amazing and about a dozen times more exciting than watching Prometheus land...

less layers of bureaucracy/red tape/health and safety, i suppose.

Heeey....Dum-Dum go for run-run!

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oh Blizzard, stop.... you're killing me...

Looks intriguing.

reassuring; i'm glad i'm not completely mad then... :p