A murder of crows

Several of us - on the original post regarding the police finding them - called the fact that this is why they had possession of the fetus in the first place. They were using them to create “gotcha” videos.

for people who have paid it off or never had it to begin with, it won’t sit well.

Everything is projection with them. Of course now they are labeling their political opponents as pedophiles & moving to legally open the door to marrying children. Why does it surprise me 

Do you think somebody who spent $100,000 on a car in this game feels like they’ve “retained their value” because they got a generic replacement car in a different game?

Its worse because the dlc cost $100,000 was touted as an investment and doesn’t exist anymore.

“Tokens are now practically worthless”

Cue the dumbass cryptbros: yOu JuSt DoN’t UnDeRsTaNd CrYpTo BrO tRuSt Me It’S bEtTeR tHaN rEaL mOnEy!!!! now give me some real money for my fake money!

I don’t like going after people’s looks but . . . yeah. I have a hard core conservative cousin that’s my age that has been mistaken for my mother.

Lady is 28? I had to look pretty close at that photo, because she looks to be in her 50s. Sort of like Stephen Miller, conservatism apparently ages you.

People hate that corporations can just buy legislation that hurts people.

When you go to church and, knowing there are pro-life women there, do you look at them, thinking of them in that way—that they’re noisy, hostile, in your face? Do you think of pro-life women like me that way?”

I know the question wasn’t for me, but, uh, yeah I do. 

“There are portions of this book that I find really quite remarkable. One portion of the book says babies are taught to be racist or anti-racist, there is no neutrality.”

I saw something today, and I apologize for not remembering the source, but his answer to the question, “why do people instantly hate Ted Cruz?” was “it saves time.”

Does Ted Cruz know how much people hate him, including people in his own party, or is he that oblivious?

Karen Cruz

Please please please put him on the “No Fly” list so he’ll have to take the bus from Texas to DC like a common armadillo...

Nobody should try to tell others what to eat, or bully them about their choices. This usually is what vegans are accused of, but nobody mentions that the “You should add bacon to that vegan dish—everything’s better with bacon!” crowd are just as obnoxious.

Whoa, Rune Factory 5 this week? Don’t sleep on that. Good games.

There is a woman named Brittany Poolaw who is in prison in Oklahoma right now for a miscarriage at 15 weeks and drugs were found in the fetus, but the doctors admit there were other problems with the pregnancy and they cant prove the drugs are what caused the miscarriage.  In spite of that, she went to jail.  At 37

“there are laws in 35 states that allow police officers to claim that a person in custody consented to sex with them.”