“...a lady who has taken care of herself and had some fun.”
“...a lady who has taken care of herself and had some fun.”
People who are anti-vaccination, anti-fluoridation, and are pro-magical thinking are anti-science and will easily adopt new conspiracy theories? I’m so surprised.
Bullshit. Millions of people deal with more stressful jobs every day that matter a hell of a lot more than her and pay a hell of a lot less. No one says she needs to do it with a smile on her face but she sure as shit needs to treat people with respect.
That Florida bill gets even worse. Drivers would face no penalty for injury or death for driving through a “mob”.
“Fight China, got it.”
Always easy to spot a Stephen Miller script, cause there’s a negative % chance that Trump knows who Howard Zinn was (honestly astonished he managed to pronounce it, must have been his tranquilizer slowing down the blabbermouth a bit). The other fascinating thing about Miller’s speeches is he’s just so fucking bad at…
The greatest lie in American History has to be that the country was EVER “exceptional”.
It’s like when Paltrow tried to buy food on a restricted budget for Goop and came back with like, hummingbird eggs and unicorn steak or whatever. Dude, people are eating expired off-brand canned soup, okay? Not your tofu jackoff scramble.
Well since the court only considers one a person I imagine that’s where most of the problems are.
Is that the same Biden who let COVID-19 run amok in the country by not imposing a mask mandate just because he isn’t President and had no authority to do so?
At this point there are no “undecided voters”, only cowards who don’t want to admit to the world and most of all themselves that they want to vote for Trump.
I wish I was voting for the Biden that Trump claims I’m voting for,
Since when are sororities about inclusiveness and community activism? Traditionally, sororities and fraternities have always been playgrounds and networking clubs for the selfish offspring of the One Percent and those who desire to be the One Percent.
Who the fuck are these ‘undecided voters’?
Goddamit somone really needed to nail his ass to the wall...this soft soaping is getting monotonous and all he does is parrot. Get up front of the horseshit and tell him the answers he’s been shitting out ARE NOT GOOD ENOUGH.
...they weren’t even making minimum wage...
“AITA For Wanting to Vote For Donald Trump?”
As made clear on multiple posts, you do not give an ounce of credibility to a single bullshit right winger conspiracy theorist who all of a sudden in the year 2020 has woken up to the systemic forms of abuse against children. This is because they do not actually give a single flying fuck about abused children and are…
Yeah, you’re right, it’s better to make a child feel isolated than to change some phrasing, good point.