
So, not the actual Flash.

Hold on a second. I have a few questions here.

What’s this?

“Oh my god, they’re break dance fighting.”

I’m with the council on this, sorry. You install an arcade, next thing you know guys with giant boomboxes, spiked bracelets and mohawks show up in Trans Ams. Before you know it, BAM - break dancing war.

Warner brothers did it correctly with the Looney tunes DVD set.

Multiple editions are just inexcusable.

We can already summon hurricanes and cause earthquakes, if the magic motion picture box is to be believed.

Mine turns into a pterodactyl. It even screeches when it's finished growing.

I’ve never heard it put quite that way, but...yes? Kinda?
Unfortunately it doesn’t turn into a stegosaurus....

I plan on serving peacock tonight.

Out of curiousity: How many guys get threatened on the internet, but do not tell about it on the internet? It seems this is the new physical rape, where men either don’t dare to talk about it or where it’s just laughed away as “nice” or “at least you had sex”.

I actually like the rencarnation origin better, it’s more unique than the Space Cops origin. though JLU did mix the two, as do a lot of modern Hawk origins in different ways. If this happens I would not be surprised if as it progressed they’d gradually open up the Thanagarian connection throughout the first season or

FFXI is the best, nuff said.

I strongly disagree. He’s showing his playful side while in Europe and that jacket clearly reflects it.


Racism is why.

Yeah that movie was really good. I don’t even care that they totally ripped that cinematic scene from Ashura’s Wrath with the giant Buddha palm. Everything else about that movie makes up for it.