

So happy! I hope they get someone competent to run the company. This imbecile was a scourge to Nintendo that brought this company to its knees with bad decision after bad decision and kept his job by cutting his own salary after each major failure. Get rid of Reggie too.

Satire & parody.

I’m sure it’s some fanatical feminist idiocy he’ll use as an excuse to whine about it and demand it be censored or changed like these extremists always do. See how he’s already got the poor victim-playing girls riled up? That’s how he makes his money, by telling those girl with low self esteem what they want to hear,


I find spoilers best to get people to want to watch so these are spoilers for the TV show and the comics the show loosely follows.

Don’t want to spoil anything so I didn’t watch the whole trailer. Was Jesus shown? Has he been cast yet? Love him in the comic. Especially Samurai Jesus.

Already quit that awful system. All Sony cares about is being populer at E3 and not doing anything to improve the system.

It won’t. The book it’s based on was horrible. She got all PMSy and made bad crazy decisions that got the best character killed on a pointless fight through the city at war where nothing interesting or major happens. I enjoy stories about strong women, but this is not one of them. It’s insulting and bad. People like

This is based on Sandman isn’t it? Lucifer just said fuck it and shut Hell down after Morpheus sent Luci a letter declaring his intent to enter Hell and rescue someone he imprisoned there unfairly a long time before. Luci kicked all the demons and humans out and locked it then gave Morpheus the key to the empty Hell.

I’ve read every article about it they’ve posted here unless I missed one. I’ve visited this site about daily for 4 or 5 years now so unless something was said in one of the spoiler articles where they compile a bunch of rumors and spoilery stuff in one article, then I shouldn’t be outdated on this. What do you think

My little sister is probably going to make me get this now.

With the state WoW currently is in I’d rather just stick to the old games and not touch anything new including a movie that we already know butcheres the lore to make it more WoW-like. I feel bad for this guy and the actors for putting in the work and effort of making a video game movie about a game that even the

“Hardware is failing, physical media is frail, and some of these games will simply be lost...”

Looks racist. Bet it turns people into Republicans.

Yes, I was dumb back then. Or more like I supressed my intelligence back then. I remember middle school teachers telling me I’m gifted and crap, but thought they were just trying to manipulate me into being good in class at the time so I didn’t think much of it. I’m now smarter than most people though, mainly because

“You make it sound like you and your friends were just some kids getting into mischief. You were all adult thugs and criminals.”

Yes, life experiences make people wise. Probably the reason I’m smarter than the majority of people that use the Gawker sites and can think for myself on not what I’m told to think.

Very clear you aren’t a parent or a dog owner.

Sounds like you never grew up. You’re acting like an emotional child. Maybe if you had a life when you were young you’d be as wise and knowing as me and you wouldn’t be so childish and emotional over everything.