
Because feminists need constant attention and to feel like they are victims 24/7 so people will feel sorry for them and give them attention. They’re mentally ill and broken. Not all women are weak and crazy like them though, so don’t think they speak for all women. The majority are smart sane ones, but they don’t go

That’s not hunting. Hunting requires you going somewhere in nature and hunting for edible prey like deer. He went to a ranch where they keep endangered and rare animals caged up with no life or freedom and they release them on to the ranch for him to shoot to death. That’s not hunting, that’s animal abuse. He also

That’s not hunting. Hunting requires you going somewhere in nature and hunting for edible prey like deer. He went to a ranch where they keep endangered and rare animals caged up with no life or freedom and they release them on to the ranch for him to shoot to death. That’s not hunting, that’s animal abuse. He also

Looking it up for yourself would be the best thing to do though. It’s not hard, we live in the age of instant information.

Look it up.

Aww, I thought she would be Thanagarian Hawkgirl like in the Justice League cartoon. Now I’m sad. I really liked her.

Didn’t say XIV is a FF game. I don’t think it is. XIV is just an even more shallow reskinned World of Warcraft and I hate it. I liked 1.0 better and played it more, though it wasn’t a FF either. FFXI is very much a FF game though.

You very clearly have a serious reading comprehension problem.

Now playing

If you’ve never played XI then how would you know if it fits in with the rest of the series? Do you think all MMO’s are mindless gear grinds with poor writing like WoW or something? XI is very much a FF game even though the people in your party are real people. Beware: This video I’m linking will probably make you cry

He’s also a hardcore animal abuser in real life. Fuck him.

Except it is.

And you’re still wrong. You should try playing it. If it was too hard for you back in the day they’ve made it way easier. Turning it easymode ran most of the loyal players off, but they made it easymode for people like you so you can enjoy it. You can solo through a lot of it now pretty fast. Still will take a while

What’s differen’t? It has everything I-X has. Have you ever played FFXI?

Yes, it has many main plots. It’s main thing tying them together has been Odin, as was revealed in the most recent xpac, I believe. Haven’t got around to playing through the new ones story yet because I switched to a new PC and forgot to copy my Windower stuff.

So people that have never played it and know nothing of it think it’s not a FF game even though it clearly is. Ignorant people say ignorant things, doesn’t matter what they think as long as their betters correct them.

Where’d you read that XIV has made more money than XI? Seriously doubt that’s true. Also XIV isn’t a real FF, as I said in my reply to the other fellow. So by my logic, nuh-uh.

FFXI is a very FF game. The combat system is the traditional turn based that was in every game up to that point, except it wasn’t instanced in that game and was in the open world. Whoever managed to make that instanced combat system open world is a genius. The stories are huge, emotional, epic, and well written and

Will to.

Bullshit FFXI doesn’t count. That’s the second best after FFT and it has made more money than any other FF game including FFVII. FFXI counts.

Metroid games don’t come out too often so I’m sure the fans just want this obvious flop canceled and the resources to go to a real one. Really not that hard to understand. Do you think the fans are going to buy this, or random people that don’t know what Metroid is? No. Better for Nintendo to cancel it now to save