
FFXI is a very FF game. The combat system is the traditional turn based that was in every game up to that point, except it wasn’t instanced in that game and was in the open world. Whoever managed to make that instanced combat system open world is a genius. The stories are huge, emotional, epic, and well written and

Will to.

Bullshit FFXI doesn’t count. That’s the second best after FFT and it has made more money than any other FF game including FFVII. FFXI counts.

Metroid games don’t come out too often so I’m sure the fans just want this obvious flop canceled and the resources to go to a real one. Really not that hard to understand. Do you think the fans are going to buy this, or random people that don’t know what Metroid is? No. Better for Nintendo to cancel it now to save

“Based on what I’ve seen to date, it’s not fun, and it’s not social. It’s just tech.” - Nintendo of America boss Reggie Fils-Aime

I think that was just launch problems that they fixed shortly after. XIII worked fine last time I played it on my PC.

Not even going to buy the new TR at all because of what they did. That’s not a game that deserves support.

Doesn’t matter, all you did was guess a random thing with no evidence or hints to support it and it just turned out to be right. I don’t see why you are excited and think you did something. You must be a millennial.

Don’t be mad you’re not a gamer. Go play with your cell phone instead of wasting my time with your childish nonsense.

If you don’t know then you’re not one. Don’t worry about it.

This comment must have went through the wrong tube and come from Bizzaro World.

lol Xbox did a good job this year, but PS4 obviously won. Nintendo was a disaster though.

Which isn’t good for the real gamers. They’ve pretty much killed MMO gaming. Loved MMO’s, but all I have left now are private servers since real MMO’s aren’t being made anymore and old ones still around have been casualized or butchered into F2P scams.

Well at least we know it was the real game and not a CG movie made to look like the real game. lol You won’t see technical difficulties like this over at Ubisoft’s events.

I miss Joystiq. ; ;

FFXIV’s xpac is a real xpac though. It’s huge and will have content pumped out for it over the next few years. This is about the same amount of content FFXIV would get in a major patch or two. It’s not worth $50.

WoW xpacs are HUGE. Like super huge. And that’s just the launch content, even more content gets pushed out every 3 months for around 2 years, so you get what you pay for including the sub fee. Same with FFXI and FFXIV. This game’s content is extremly small in comparison. It’s about the size of a typical WoW or FFXIV

“That said, Guild Wars 2 is a massive game that ArenaNet’s been regularly updating for nearly three years now at no additional cost to players.”

Better have Ramza.

She’s not a FF character.