
Hasn’t been a good Zelda on handheld since Minish Cap. Seems the series is cursed.

This is nothing like Four Swords. What a dumb response to his comment.

“Setting the bar rather low, are we? “

Everyone left because it was an awfu game and then they had to go F2P. F2P/B2P MMO’s are failures that are used to scam stupid people out of money because they couldn’t make it as real MMO’s. You must be new to gaming. You really should read better sites for gaming info because you’re really ignorant.

Hoping for HD Mario Sunshine, and for it to release this Summer.

Still have my 360 controller from my midnight launch 360. A dog chewed through the wire so I ducktaped it, and I’ve smashed it against the wall countless times. Still works. The 360 it came with RRODed less than 1 year after I bought it though, and so did the next 5 360’s I bought. Sucks to hear it’s not just the

I still love you, my Vita. I still love you. <3

They turned it into a genaric souless WoW-clone MMO that’s barley even an MMO. 1.0 was better because it at least did its own thing and had a huge overworld full of places to explore, even if most of it was copy and pasted. Unfortunately Tanaka was pushed to release the game way too early. Though if you have played

Thing is it’s not an MMO. It’s a multiplayer co-op game. There’s nothing MMO about that game.

Nearly everything SE does is garbage, so why would anyone be excited for a new IP from them?

I laughed. Very few people care about Destiny. Awful souless game.

Wild did for me, but we haven’t heard anything about it since last E3. I think it may be canceled or something. Looked so good.

I like how the token girl doesn’t know what’s going on or even what game that is. lol

Better include Ramza. FFT is the best FF, but they have a habit of forgetting to add Ramza in their crossovers.

Because it looks to be the best FF game since XII.

Looks way better than the crap that’s come out since XII.

You’re making shit up again. lol

Final Fantasy Tactics?

Why are you not reporting the other announced FF game?