A. Barth

In a box somewhere I have one of the 1980s radio-controlled Audi Quattros from Radio Shack. I wonder if it still works or if it has fallen to an army of electrical issues. It looks like this:


I made a boombox out of a .50 cal ammo tin

Or to the hangar to pick up 50 yards of flight line? :-)

Here you go:

It’s the first thing anyone does when they get a new motorcycle.

And don’t even get me started on the piece of art that Honda calls a four-into-one header.

Lastly, for the love of god, don’t use lights like this on the road or the highway when other cars are coming toward you.

I find myself waiting a long time for parts.

some extremely kind Germans who have been teaching me great words like Krass, which means “awesome.”

•CLEAN Black Exterior (No major scathes or dents)

That’s a fairly stupid take: the two columns appear to be supporting the porch roof. They are not designed to counter the lateral impact of a speeding tire and wheel.

There is (was?) a Bristol dealership in the Kensington area of London.

The garage is fine. It’s got a British vehicle in it, which may be less appalling than a voiture de Francais.

(this isn’t the first time he’s volunteered parts to me—again, he’s extremely cool. I’ll show you his Land Rover sometime later).

A small Coast Guard boat caught this daredevil slipping underneath the massive suspension bridge on June 28

I’d like to have one of those wheels just to hang it on the wall as an objet d’art.

Now playing

(Yes, I know there’s a “dirty” version.)