A. Barth

“A legal framework for autonomous inner-city driving doesn’t even exist yet in Germany,” Andreas Ottofuelling, a lawyer for the group

Maybe Tesla should call it Ottopilot.

I hear you, but the tracks would probably need to be shorter.

I hear you. Right now I’m working on a way to replace a mid-1960s motorcycle air filter: it must fit certain dimensions, etc. etc. etc.

You could look for guidance on replacing motorcycle steering head bearings. Those are often tapped out (or in) using long punches, sockets, sections of PVC pipe, etc. You might find some good procedural ideas.

When I saw the Craigslist ad, I couldn’t reply fast enough...


No worries - it was a reference to a Monty Python sketch, not about the truck itself.

16 tons? Fresh fruit?

Tesla is wiping the floor in the local Chinese EV market

Wow, that’s good size! You have room in there for a lift... :-)

I did a garage of similar vintage (though not as nice) years ago. No insulation but for wall panels I went with 5/8" MDF and 3" deck screws into the existing wooden studs. I laid 8' pieces of treated 1x4" around the perimeter of the garage floor, stood the MDF on them, and then fastened the 4x8' sheets in place. (MDF

For a quick $50 purchase

People do not disappear when June ends.

Woohoo! Looking forward to it.


I think that’s a spiral galaxy.

To make it up, here’s a handy diagram from Abarth that should explain it all, in detail

In fact, I do know what that word means.