Especially when the next item down the Jalop page is this:
Especially when the next item down the Jalop page is this:
Thank you for not making the videos auto-play.
Yep. I figured there would be some kind of Voyager bat signal.
That’s a good point. Helmets absorb the impacts so our heads don’t need to, but they can absorb only so much before requiring replacement.
I have a similar problem, and was lucky enough to find a 3X Z1R on sale at a local shop; it fits pretty well.
If you’re using a Revel moped, maybe roll up with your own (DOT-approved!) helmet.
There were some drivers who tried driving around the cars in a field and didn’t see the ditch and hit it hard, sending their cars flying, according to Monsees.
there’s no sympathy for someone who caught a bad break, mechanically, via no fault of their own
and what better way to do it than in your Trans Am Super Stock?
Yeah, I used to live in Pittsburgh and Buffalo and I remember the depressing resignation I felt when
looking at rust caused by salt
let’s just run the exhaust right over the driver’s head there. Just cram that scalding-hot pipe of noxious gases right by the driver’s tender face and scalp.
The average Explorer customers have envisioned themselves to be much more upscale, says Ford SUV Marketing Manager Craig Patterson
Whew. It’s not that guy from Saved by the Bell.
Nifty - thanks, Kristen!
Chris and Derek pushed the giant SUV down the ramps and into my swampy backyard, where it now sits
Nice! Now I need to see if I can find a copy. :-)
Maybe she could do both. That would be handy.
I would be surprised if the “60-lb dog and 18-lb cat” would be willing to share one end of that bench seat for extended periods of time.