
While it’s true there are a lot of Japanese RPGs on the Vita, I just wish more of them were interesting, or more than some kind of fan-servicey nonsense. I mean, the PSP had Brave Story, Crimson Gem Saga, Hexys Force, Ys Seven, not to mention the ports of Final Fantasy, and Star Ocean games.

I mean, I like boobs as

that was my initial reaction then I saw the note where he modded the shit out of it and was no longer impressed.

I saw a really busty woman, and one of these ladies is showing a lot of leg.

Yeah, everyone is missing your point, but somehow you haven’t replied to the guy who has 82 likes and shot the shit out of your argument.

Again with the backpedal, complete with the troll pedestal of accusing someone of flinging baseless attacks while throwing out grade school “I think I’m smart” insults.

At the end of the day, your attitude is condoning toxic behaviour. You don’t have to stop saying “fuckin’ awesome!”, but “fuckin’ scrote licking ballbag!”. There’s no oppression here - nobody has the right to be a cunt to other people.

Yes. We all remember. What we don’t remember is the players who logged out and hated themselves because of some horrific shit that was said to them, because they couldn’t play a video game to the standards of some other gigantic asshole.

I know it’s an American holiday, and content is expected to be light, but holy fuck, what’s the purpose of this article? You know how you feel about wasting real time on Destiny when there are other things in your life that are more important and deserving of your time? That’s how I felt halfway through your article.

Oh, I absolutely don’t agree with bobbing my head to his bullshit, but I can’t pretend that umbrage is taken across the board by the kind of people who revoke visas for performers. This woman doesn’t want this Black hip hop artist performing in her country because of some of his lyrics. Ok. The lyrics of white artists

I just listened to the first 45 seconds of this song for the first time ever and I want to fucking die.

I feel like the oldest man, yelling at the most clouds but I can’t believe it took three separate musicians (probably more who don’t get their name in the title) to actually make this song.

‪”I feel like that is the untold story of this data leak—how many people just aren’t getting a sexual connection they want. And rather than talk about how people could solve this problem, everyone is just moralizing.”



Yes, thank you for describing well-known characters to us in partial Ninja Turtles terms, for those of us who can’t understand anything unless it’s half in a half shell.

“I’m a member of the privileged majority of this profession (not female) benefiting from sexism and sighed for at least the ten minutes it took me to read this piece. I would be completely deflated for sighing so long should I have not been full of hot air in the first place. I am taking one person’s chronicled

“Certainly, structural sexism exists in ______, but you’re overstating it”

I am sick to death of hearing Nolan North as multiple characters in every game. It’s not his fault, and I think he’s great as Drake, but given that he really only has 1.5 voices (his normal and his normally but ‘gruff’) he’s immediately noticeable as soon as a character starts talking.