
Mothers can do literally nothing that pleases the world.

If I ever have a kid, and I ever split with the mother, I would hope that someone close to me would punch me in the balls if I ever tried to pull low-blow legal shenanigans like this...

This whole thread is full of salty Lebron James fanboy tears.

Yeah I'm totally on board for the sentiment of that tweet but blech.

Took me LITERALLY no more than three minutes poking around to find that this venue has a carnival fun-house theme throughout, that the closet was used for halloween with a witch dummy in the closet behind that mirror (hence the wacky cut-out—did anyone actually watch the video?) which was lit up periodically to reveal

For me, these sort of “skills” aren’t appealing because they are essential using parts of the game in ways that were never intended. I’m sure none of the MK8 team explicitly wanted people to use drift boosts like this, and it changes the entire environment of the game. Some people pick up the Mario Kart series because

Board game brunches are the best. Start the day with bloody marys, rage quit an 8-hour game of Twilight Imperium in the evening.

Flying on a plane with your period is just irresponsible. You want to attract flying bears? Because that’s how you attract flying bears.

When I was a F/A I heard some stories of Hasidic men asking the flight attendants if they were “dirty” meaning on their periods on flights to Tel Aviv. Apparently the men cannot accept service items from “dirty” women. Most F/A’s would answer that they were absolutely on their period.

That's not what's happening here. She's not choosing to wear it, just as odds are she didn't choose to have her clitoris cut. (80% of Egyptian women are cut, and it happens young)

I say we encourage them to remove symbols of oppression and subservience, not cater to such lunacy.

Now playing

Find me something off the Rae Sremmurd album that knocks harder than this from 2015 and I'll listen to your point:

Sorry about your childhood. But what does that have to do with losing your arm? Don't use your sister's rape to pad your backstory. That's creepy.

The 'kicking the puck into the net' has been a problem forever. Lucic was trying to kick the puck up to his stick, not to the net but that is what happened. Should be no goal but the interpretation is too fuzzy to be definitive.

Who the fuck wants to water their beer? Seriously? You either need to drop down the number of drinks, or just drink water, because that is fucking absurd.

'And then I thought, meh, a few others will read it, and maybe it'll get a few people thinking. So I wrote it anyway.'

Well here's what I will tell you - if you and your girlfriends refer to each other as "bitch", people are going to associate you with a "bitch", and sometimes people are going to slip up and call you "bitch". And then you're going to act like they are disgusting sexist pigs for doing so.