
F4 is a full pass for me until it’s down to $20 or so. Just looking at it, I was saying to myself “This is a “new” Fallout?” It looks slightly more polished than 3 and NV, which ain’t saying much.

The more I read about F4, the more I’m content to wait until it hits the bargain bins to play.

What are y’all talking about? I had no problem understanding her lyrics. She enunciated just fine.

She definitely says both.

I’ve been playing this now for a few weeks, and it is indeed great. Have currently put in just over 27hrs and it’s really taken over a lot of my gaming time. Rather than sit down on the couch after the gf hits the sack, I’ve been going to bed and picking up my Vita.

Skyrim was pretty disappointing for a lot of people. I’d only played Oblivion and Fallout before it, so was pretty hyped for the next Bethesda RPG. Sadly, the whole game feels pointless. It herds you into being this stupid Dragonborn, which, who cares? And pretty much everything else feels pointless. Why am I shooting

Oh Bethesda... my intro into modern console gaming and western RPGs came via Oblivion on the PS3. Despite it’s faults, I still like that game a lot and it started me down the path of believing in Bethesda.

Why do women care so much about thank you notes? This whole thank you note thing could be simplified if the bride simply wrote thank you notes to all the women attendees. The bride is happy they are sent out, the groom is happy he didnt’ have to waste time doing it, the women are happy they received one and the men

Maybe he just doesn’t give a shit about stupid shitty xmas cards?

You certainly make a good point, but I feel like you’re skirting the larger point in this entire comments thread. For a lot of men, and this is kind of sad, many household chores just aren’t as important.

You know, women do this too.

You know, if I were your partner and you stepped up to a chore and I said “I was going to do that” whether or not I meant it or was just trying to make you think I was less of a shit, the reaction you describe probably means that I’d have a.) never moved in with you because you are super unpleasant, or b.) told you I

Dude, I have 8 years of PSN purchases tied to my account and a friends list. The only thing that might lessen the blow is that I’ve only had the PS4 for about a year, so I wouldn’t lose too many purchases. That being said, I’d still lose stuff, unless I switched back and forth between accounts for certain games.

Who says we didn’t? Haha, luckily I was smart enough to only get an initial disguised in a rope. She wasn’t so lucky though... “I heart B” heh heh there forever!

But there’s “bad” and then there’s just “dumb” or “I don’t like this any more”. My PSN ID is tied to something between my ex-wife and I. At the time it was cute and fun, as we bought the PS3 together. Now it’s just a stupid reminder of a dumb name and a failed relationship.

I have a feeling that 99% is an exaggerated figure for the percentage of people happy with their PSN ID.

The video is great, but the song didn’t really do anything for me. Sounds about 10 years out of date.

My girlfriend and I both agreed that Kelly should have won and we felt that Ashley probably was awarded top prize from a combination of pity and that she was the first and only designer with a plus sized collection.

An easy solution is to just release the game simultaneously everywhere. So what if it’s technically Monday in one place and Tuesday in another?

That’s a neat idea. I might refine it and say that a game shouldn’t really tag “junk” as collectible until you have a recipe or a schematic to create something. I mean, until you know that you’re going to be able to use those coat hangers to make a railgun or the cracked binoculars to make your NV goggles, why would