
Not to mention that he had warned Netflix after filming season 2 that if they veered away from the books any further he would leave. That might not be what happened here, but knowing that and hearing about the article you referenced makes me think something in the filming of season 3 or the script of season 4 bothered

Antidepressants/SSRIs are also easily explained.

Exactly. I’ll throw eververse money from time to time, but these event passes are almost worthless, so I have 0 idea how they got the go-ahead.

Money. I know that’s the obvious answer and it’s not meant to be sarcastic or patronizing, but I think it is worth constantly reminding people at large on forums and websites like this, reddit, etc where there is a vocal and connected population(even if they are in the minority of Destiny 2's overall population). They

Probably follow a new crew trying to live up the Martinez band of Edgerunners legend. Anthology thematically connected.

Hey Kotaku, Luke, Patricia, et al.

Show of hands...who else mis-read the header and thought Jordan Peele?

Still hoping we get full dive VR in my lifetime but yeah we’re not there yet.

If it’s not like a braindance from Cyberpunk 2077, hard pass from me.


Mario was originally a character in Donkey Kong (known as Jumpman at the time), and Wrecking Crew, both look to be mentioned in the movie considering characters from both are confirmed.... Then Super Mario Bros was released both on the NES as a flagship title and there was an arcade version as well, super common in

Lol, sorry but it definitely was as many others have responded. I played a Mario cabinet in my local pizza place in the early 90's quite a bit.

Yes, yes it was. As probably the entire internet has told you by now.

That’s Mario Bros. Not Super. (Super was a coin-op game too, just rare.)

I played the hell out of what you are showing right here (Mario Bros.) every day at the local on my walk home from school.

imagine speaking with such conviction without having fact checked it yourself. It takes like 2 minutes and can even be done from the same device you posted from.


Yep, and if I recall, even if you were doing well, you couldn’t play through the entire game without dumping in more money. 

SMB was my first ever arcade game experience in 1986/7. I’ve long considered buying one for myself.

Wrong one.

Just wanted to add to the pile of people dunking on your stupid gatekeeping bullshit.