He should be Bizzaro.
He should be Bizzaro.
There are story recaps that Byf does on YouTube that may make it less alienating. Also, if you’re in an area with vex milk (electric fog) and it’s a boss fight there is a 50/50 chance the floor will go away.
I read this the other day and it’s fucking absurd. My job is 5 minutes from me, so saving my company from paying electric and all the shit for me to be there should cost me $10 a day when it doesn’t save me shit as is. How about tax the company or fuck me tax the god damned wealthy. Why is that never the option? Let…
PvP has got to go in Destiny, it just doesn’t work. 9/10 it’s just a bullshit experience and thanks to Stasis it’s now 10/10.
Thought it was funny and dark, it’s a kid it has no idea and Mando isn’t exactly a beacon of empathy. It came across as someone who has no idea how to deal with a child watching someone else’s kid and trying to discipline them without having any idea how to actually effectively do that.
They called it Cosmic Ice in the ViDoc. There will be symmetry in the elements as they add the additional darkness subclasses too which Luke Smith already said they will be adding.
Almost all of the lore is in game now via the lore books.
That hasn’t been the case for a while, they have done a much better job with Destiny 2 especially as of late and the story is so fucking interesting and deep. You do have to go out of your way a bit to get all of it but a lot more of it is played out in missions now too.
The drugs sure have ruined whatever the hell there was to him. It’s sad that he’s become this husk of a thing. This awful wife beating thing. An even if Amber Heard was awful too, which seems like she may have been, that’s no excuse. The lies, the BS, it’s the death throws of a career and likely soon a person.
Yeah, something is definitely going to go down with him. Maybe that’s part of Lightfall though.
Zavala is such a great character and the last 2 seasons have done a lot I think to challenge his views. I think that he may be heading for a fall or corruption, he’s going to think he’s doing right but his faith in the Traveler has for certain been shaken.
The air flow around these consoles is giving me some odd anxiety. They need space! Let them breathe!
Most likely something we do is what the kick off will be for the new season to start, kind of like they did with shadowkeep.
I really, really wanted to like this show. I’ve watched each episode and some of it’s fine, a bit of it’s good, but it’s so random. I don’t know why but the girl with the robo arm really was the thing that pushed me over. There were a lot of things were I just thought “That’s dumb.” or “This is nonsense.” but for…
Keep the hate a live. Also Vectorman was a good time!
Your damned right it is. Nothing wakes me up like the vivid recollections of past transgressions against me, real or imagined.
When I was a kid there were these two kids that were the children of a friend of my father’s. I didn’t really like these kid but they were fine.
I hope they bring it back. I hate having to change that all of the time.
I’d watch that. Maybe I should subscribe to your news letter!
New expansion is November 10th, launch day of the Series X/S