
Stop. For the love of freakin god, just stop. Enough with the creative name calling. We all hate 45, we all know all the various names that have been used for him. If you want an article of this nature to be taken seriously stick to the goddamn facts, for once....otherwise it’s the same fluff piece that’s been

It’s so weird that Ballmer is doing this and Gates is eradicating malaria, but Jobs — and his total devotion to consumerism — is the one we’re supposed to love.

“The world sees her as this glamorous, sophisticated, jet-setting woman,

This is the least corrupt league Gronk has ever participated in.

I usually don’t comment, but as an ER doctor seeing the reactions of players here and also yesterday’s story about Kone “saving” an unconscious player’s life, I have to say something. If some one sustains a head/neck injury like this DO NOT start prying his/her mouth open to prevent tongue swallowing. Please DO leave

Having spent 7 years working in a steakhouse, I can attest that there are exactly two kinds of adults who eat steak like this:

I’m a Pat’s fan. He called my team a bunch of assholes. I don’t give a shit. Why would anyone? He is an opposing coach of a pretty good team about to face the most hated team in the league. It’s not like he called our QB a rapist.

Now playing

A summary of the changes from Jeff from Overwatch.

Maybe it gets blocked from the 3. Maybe not. Longer field goals require a lower trajectory and are more likely to get blocked. The effect is magnified in college where kickers are not as talented as in the NFL. Even in the NFL it’s a big difference. A kick from the three is all but automatic, from the 18 it is only

Pretty wild that Stormfront can’t find a single fucking grammar nazi.

Now now, don’t get all worked up because Millennials are trying their best to exist in a society where previous generations - most notably rapaciously greedy Boomers - were happy to take advantage of goodies like lower cost education, plentiful job opportunities (with the prospect of advancement), employer provided

If that is the case the dashcam owner practices backwards courtesy which is a leading cause of congestion, annoyance, and collisions. Backward courtesy is where the person practicing it decides to be nice to person A at the expense of person B instead of following the written rules of the road.

Andy Timm is a concept artist working at Hi-Rez studios, the developers behind Smite and the newer Tribes games.

Hey at least you still have a site. Us, io9ers saw the great leaving, then the great Giz eating, then they fired our captains. All we have left is a few comics, an action figure and a Bricken.

Googly eyes are always helpful.

Skyrim will be off limits for me when I get my oculus. Fuck. Those. Fucking. Spiders. Imagine those at the correct scale? Good fucking god....

This, I already freak when I see a creeper, mines will be crazy, when they come out of the darkness.

Her crime was running in the street and telling a cop to F off after being asked not to. You don’t get to ignore cops when you don’t feel like obeying the law. That’s not how a functioning society works.