
This guy is basically the 80's version of Dr. Disrespect.

I am not sure how anyone could not stand behind Boyega in any situation. Man is a treasure.  

I miss Star Wars Galaxies.

Since I don’t watch cable, and have not seen this show. I really thought this was a porno based off the header .gif until I read a little more.

The alternate is a wasted death.

It is just as sanitary as a cut pizza.

I wrote technical procedures and reports for years. Yeah, I get you.

I feel like I saw Radio Shack die in the same way.

Let’s just make it 3 turbos to future proof it.

Haven’t you learned anything? if robots wanted to take over the first thing they would do is block out the sun.

I truly hope that the old uncanny valley sonic is part of a wonderfully troll’y ending/post credits scene.

It’s really simple, for some people sitting is worse than standing.

Sure sucks I have to mute kotaku.com because of autoplaying videos, then leave the site to watch embedded youtube videos.

Let’s make it 1/16, since she probably wants a masters.

I agree with you, but these people needed a feel good story about a kid wanting to excel in STEM and getting a quarter of her tuition paid for.

Scantron. Maybe it was how they were naming things back then.

I’d really like a show called “Hot Takes” where Steven A. Smith and Sean Evans just give some of the hottest takes possible on sports, politics, and pop-culture.

Like popular group games that you play with fortune cookies, examples being adding on, “in bed” or “with a chainsaw”, people need to understand that most companies core values need the appropriate add on, “but also as long as it makes us money” tacked onto the end.

That’s literally what sleep buds are. they do not have an active Bluetooth connection all night, and just have pre-loaded, looping sound files.

You are that dad who keep saying tattoos are going to go out of style.