Anyone else read Meg Ryan?
Anyone else read Meg Ryan?
While we are at it, Mike Colter is also a great pick.
Butt...was roughing the passer called.
I would not be surprised if more local police stations start advertising for their own “unofficial” car shows.
eyeballs are basically balls of liquid, like little water balloons. If it pops, you are pretty much screwed. A golf ball traveling into your eyeball from a pro-golfer level drive would cause, well, the water balloon to pop.
Loving these.
Agreed on the sausage since I love that stuff, but I’d also say sub in some pork-belly grilled up on the side instead of bacon.
The culmination of your first two points contradicts the third point.
My wife loves this show, and I have always had similar thoughts as you. I also get that is kind of the point of the show. That these people are all 1000% self-destructive and nothing else.
Magic is just technology we don’t understand.
First off, Futurama is agnostic to time, space, and universe (like parallel ones). It doesn’t matter what hints or clues there are, if the writers want to do it, they have all the Farnsworth science to do it.
This will definitely become an inspiration to a high school baseball anime.
Question from someone who doesn’t ride, but always thought about it.
Next step, discontinuing Animal Crackers because you shouldn’t eat animals.
I’ve water-cooled for 10+ years. I don’t think I could ever go back.
The nostalgia is strong right now.
I bet the doomsday clock people are conflicted right now.
No problem. I’m not even vegetarian or vegan, just have a few annoying educational friends.
Worcestershire Sauce has anchovies in it... also honey is not vegan.
Calling in a fake crime (or frankly wasting 911/whoever comes’s time) is definitely crime in itself and I am pretty sure there is a charge / fee for them showing up. (Not a tax per say, as those are normally percentages of something.)