
Ever heard the phrase, “you can indict a ham sandwhich?”

Warren Buffet drives a Cadillac XTS. Not the cheapest car, but since he has billions, it is basically as much as you or I buying a load of bread. 

Take me now Cthulhu. 

Am I terrible for finding this funny?

Get back to us quick Mike. Maybe lay off the snacktaku reviews for a while.

Ooo, so she was good at math. I get that book now.

Love triangle? Rectangle? No, this is an love pentagon.

Never use your college email for anything. Ever.

Ahh, legal / illegal slides. The blue / gold dress of baseball.

I am also anti-kitchen gadget.

I think we are agreeing then. I didn’t mean to sound like a proponent of things as status or anything like that. I am more of a realist and know if I want to make some nice furniture, I need to go out and buy a nice table saw. I just am tired of these articles that are so disillusioned as to what millennials are and

Not really. Think about things before you type. I get it, its the internet, and you are on a burner, but odds are you are human.

As a millennial with tons of stuff, tools, equipment, work benches, scrap wood, electronics parts, brewery equipment, etc... I just don’t understand this article.

Brian, you mean a different group. Millennials are aged 22-37.

I thought companies could fire you for any reason. They put it in the paperwork. They don’t need to give a reason, and if one is given, it is moot.

Fantasy baseball is the worst of all fantasies.

This activity has no winners and only passionate open ended discussions that turn into arguments and then divorce.

Ghosts are residents.