
Yeah, not really sure either. I am in the whites on Kotaku, which is probably my favorite anyway.

I’ve been in the grey on Giz for a while now. I think Jesus blacklisted me. Diaz...not the other one.

So when you say that you tests the shoes, you mean you just explained what their test equipment does?

The creature later died from light exposure.

Endless games are easy to make and common to find...Endlessly entertaining games are hard to make and rare to find.

They copied the waterbodies topological numbers...so what? They still had to remesh and redo all the features, not to mention fill in all the inbetween areas and add in all the new content.

Pretty sure you should of did a 10 top Pokemon logos post and injected the new ones in there without giving any context.

So what does the loophole say then? Does it specifically state real weight/absolute maximum weight or does it specifically state curb weight?

So...the internet. You are saying this internet thing around the world is new?

Not sure you are seeing the problem above. The issue isn’t the length they have been dating, it is all that other obviously manipulative shit.

All I want is a confirmation that TSUUDB saw the response to his letter. Because that dude really needs some help.

Class 3 clearly says, “hearses”.

Obviously those bikes have motors in them.

If you can’t see the amount of engineering, know how and patience this took, you clearly probably don’t understand most hobby projects. You are focusing to much on the end result, which is something that subjectively doesn’t interest you (and inherently makes everything you say irrelevant).

Also, Stark’s unprotected hand should also be completely burned and/or cut from tun going off. I wonder if they will show that.

Not that this counts for anything, but didn’t Lex Luthor obtain supe’s powers at one point and then understand the world better because he could see the electromagnetic spectrum? Mind you this was the animated series, but I thought the thought was relevant.

Anyone notice how nonchalant the guy in the truck’s cab is?

I used this in 2.3, and now 2.4 to farm like an absolute crazy person.

Empire propaganda.