Not sure how you didn’t save the bounty hunter one for last. That was a good lead up.
Not sure how you didn’t save the bounty hunter one for last. That was a good lead up.
Its frustrating when people are going slowly in front of you. When everything is autonomous, I’ll be to distracted in what I am doing in the car or fully asleep to even care if I am going to slow or to fast.
Hmm dovetails and vertical grain don’t mix. Though that does look like bamboo plywood, so that should be OK.
One Punch Man would of been a better addition to this list than most of these titles.
O man, I think I crossed a line with this one.
Did you ever take statistics? Is the average person what you are describing?
Yeah, I normally do the first thing that pops into my head. To many Mel Gibson references.
I used to love that commercial and I don’t even wear glasses or contacts.
My Brand!
I feel like that picture is a shot from Madam Tsou’s Museum.
I’m up and down on the subject.
Don’t think he did all that bad stuff falling off a skateboard.
Not sure why you didn’t do this. I felt I needed to.
I’d rather win the war against mental health problems.
Actually, they aren’t just foam. They are impregnated with a ferrite material. They are decently expensive to replace. They are pretty brittle too, so they won’t just deform the way you are thinking a memory foam mattress will.